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David had walked back home and gone to sleep, having nightmares of his mother again.

When he woke up the next morning and put on a shirt. He hadn't realized it was a bit transparent, showing the bloody mess on his back.

He went to school without realizing he'd also forgotten his jacket. David started walking to Daniel's house, stopping when he got there.

When he saw the blond walk out, he felt his heart skip a beat. Daniel walked out with a white shirt, white pants, and white shoes. David's jaw dropped. (Basically what Daniel looks like in the show but a tad bit younger)

"What? Ya like what ya see~" Daniel smirked.

"S-stop!" David blushed profusely.

"Aww, you're cute when you blush." Daniel smiled.

David blushed deeper, smiling as he did.

"J-just lets go." David said. The pair walked for a bit. Then Daniel grabbed David's hand, and they walked to school like that.

When they got into the view of the school, David let go and looked at Daniel.

"Why'd you let go?" He asked.

"Because, people will make fun of us." David whispered.

"Oh okay. I'll see you after class." Daniel smiled.

As David entered the school, people went silent. They were whispering and glancing up at him. David felt uneasy, but continued walking.

But he wasn't looking where he was going, and bumped into Josh.

"Wow, watch where you're going Davey." Josh smirked.

David looked down and ignored him, as usual.

"What's on your arm there?" Josh laughed, and grabbed his arm.

"N-nothing!" David gasped, trying to pull his arm away. But Josh was stronger, and he gripped his arm right.

"Oh, wow." Josh smiled. He looked at his gang, and they looked at his arm.

David looked down, and felt tears form in his eyes.

"You're trying to kill yourself? Good! Faggot!" Josh sneered. He let go of David's arm and shoved him to the ground.

"Go ahead and do a favor for us and do it." Josh laughed. Him and his gang walked off, leaving David lying there on the ground crying.


As David walked to his fourth class of the day, a group of people he didn't know surrounded him.


"Kill yourself!"



"Lame ass!"


They screamed those words over and over again. Then he saw Daniel through the crowd of people, trying to get them to stop.

David shoved past everyone, and ran out of the school. He ran to the oak tree and cried. He cried his eyes out, and then he couldn't.

He walked home and locked himself in his room. He grabbed his razors.

Six couldn't hurt... Right?

So David did it.

And he liked it.


Daniel ran to David's house and knocked on the doors Gwen was with him, and the pair stood at the door. When someone answered the door, they saw it was David.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Daniel said frantically.

"N-not really." David whispered.

"Daniel told me everything. Do you want to talk about it?" Gwen asked.

"N-no.. bye." He sighed and closed the door.


He'd gotten a text from Daniel.

Daniel: Hey, I have something to ask you.

David: Yeah?

Daniel: ummm.. meet me at the tree.

David: ugh, whyyy? Can't we go to your house or something?

Daniel: Fineeee..

David: okay, I'll be there soon.


David arrived at Daniel's house and knocked on the door. Daniel answered the door and smiled nervously.

"So, what's up?" David asked.

"Come in? Please?" Daniel said.

"Okay." David shrugged.

So David walked inside and the pair walked up to Daniel's room.

Daniel sat down on the bed, and patted the spot beside him off David to sit down.

"So, what did you want to ask me?" David asked.

"So um, I.." Daniel spluttered. He sighed and tried again.

"So, we've kissed n' stuff... God, will you be my boyfriend?" Daniel blurted.

David stood there in shock, processing what Daniel had said.

"Y-yes!" David exclaimed, kissing him.

They kissed for a while, until they feel asleep cuddling.


Sooo... I fucking SHIP ITTTTT


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