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David awoke Monday morning to his alarm, which he gladly shut off. He sat up and got ready. David didn't even check the time, he just stared walking to school. He stopped and waited for Daniel. Daniel walked out ten minutes later, and saw the tired looking David.

"What's wrong David?" Daniel said as they started walking.

"N-nothing." David whispered. His stomach growled.

"What did your mom do this time?" Daniel pressed.

"S-she went o-out and t-took a-all the food f-for the w-weekend." David stuttered. He pulled his jacket sleeve down, realizing it was showing the scars.

"David, we need to call the police!" David stopped in his tracks.

"N-no! She'll just say I-I'm lying again." Tears threatened to spill from David's eyes.

Daniel sighed. "Fine."


David went through the day without eating anything. Again. His body was starving, but David himself couldn't feel the hunger.

He walked home managed to escape Daniel asking more questions.

David got home and went into his room. He took out the razors.

One, two, three, four.

Four more.


David awoke the next morning. He felt sick. He ran to the bathroom and vomited. David was shaking by now. I can still go to school. He thought. So he got ready. And off to Daniel's house he went.

Daniel came out of the house and saw David, and he immediately ran to him. "David, you're pale, what's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing really I'm fine." David smiled weakly.

"No you're not. You're sick aren't you? David, how long have you gone without eating?" Daniel sighed.

"F-four days." David looked at Daniel, and saw him staring back at him.

"Here, have my lunch." Daniel handed him a lunch bag.

"Oh, I really shouldn't." David said, giving it back to Daniel.

"Yet you will." Daniel shoved it back to David.



Friday. The worst day... David sighed. Daniel had started packing two lunches everyday, giving David one. The boy knew David didn't eat lunch or breakfast, so he made an effort to have him eat lunch.

David walked home and opened the door. He decided to go to sleep early.


The next morning he awoke to the door opening then closing. Moms probably gone now.

But when David walked out of the room he saw a strange man standing in the kitchen. David gasped.

The man turned around.


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