4. Sticks and stones may break my bones but tripping does it faster

Start from the beginning

"I miss you too, babe. I can't handle all of this attention now that you're not around to take it all."

"Are you calling me an attention seeker?"

"Yes."They deadpan, a smirk playing on their lips and a laughter in their hazel eyes. It's not only  great to hear Petes voice, but it's great to be caught up on everything that is happening back home, a strong sense of homesickness washing over him as Pete dives into the events of Tyler and Josh being handed a little Pete to look after for the afternoon, an experience for both Pete and the pair.

Brendon is all smiles and laughs and he can feel himself slip just a little as he listens to Pete talk about their friends, of the things that he has missed and the stories that he wishes he was apart of, watching as Pete speaks so animatedly with their own smiles and laughs and aggressively moving hands. It feels good, he feels at home and it's worse when they have to hang up and Brendon is shaken back into reality that he's alone backstage in an unknown state, in an unknown city, in an unknown venue.

But it's only for another month, it's not a long tour and Brendon isn't in any position to be complaining. In a month, he'll be back home, in his own bed smelling of his own home, of his own laundry detergent and with his own friends. He'll have Dallon for himself again, he can go back to lazy Sundays and cute dates and being little whenever he wants and for however he wants. For now, however, he can hold out for a month, he can do it for Dallon.

In that moment, Brendon's kitten ears twitch in his hair at the low strum of bass strings, the beat of a drum, of Dallons smooth, lovely singing voice and he's suddenly over come with the urge to rush out and watch the band warm up. Brendon takes no time to think as he stuffs the phone into a pocket and runs out from backstage, eyes focused on spotting Dallon who's lips are just ghosting the mic, as his long fingers strum chords and the way he looks so handsomely pretty and talented-

Brendon is too busy watching Dallon to notice the amp that had been left in his path on the stage, tipping forward in a powerful trip that has Brendon fumbling to use his arms to break his fall but it's already too late. He lands forcefully on his face, his right arm and wrist caught under him in a crucial angle that he hears a snap that's so sharp and loud that it triggers Brendon's repressed little side as an agonising pain flashes through him.


"Brendon!"Dallon nearly drops his bass as he yanks its strap off, rushing over as fast as he can to get to his crying baby, on the floor along with Brendon and helping the little onto his lap to calm him down, mindful of any injuries that there could be. His heart is beating heavily in his ears as he tries to shush and calm not only Brendon, but himself."Oh baby boy, it's alright, you're alright."

"Is he okay? What happened?"Ryan is running out from behind the drumkit, concern washed over his features as he looks frantically at the pair, Brendon's cries heartbreaking and loud, alerting everyone of his pain and gaining concerned glances.

"He must've tripped over the amp, I think he's hurt his arm- Hey Peanut, can Daddy see if you have any boo-boo's?"He tries to peel Brendon away only slightly to catch a glimpse of his arm or his collarbone or even his face to see any injury but it only results in harder sobs and louder screams of pain.

"It h-hurts! Dadd-ee!"Brendon sobs seem to get louder and louder, chest heaving with his sobs and cries and Ryan visibly winces at the sound.

"I've got to take him to the emergency room, Ryan."

"We're on in a couple of hours, there's no way that you'll make it back in time."Blue Haired Ryan stresses to an already very stressed and very worried Dallon who cradles Brendon tighter, trying to think over the distressed painful cries and his very frantic heartbeat in his ears.

"Then we've got to cancel, they'll understand-"Brendon's well-being is first priority to Dallon, even if that does mean cancelling a show that will be a heavy weight on his shoulders for the rest of his life. He hates to upset the fans, but he hates his baby being in pain more.

"I'll take him,"He shocks himself more than he shocks Dallon, eyes wide and mouth agape at his own suggestion, but he carries on nevertheless."We both know that you'll never forgive yourself if we cancelled this show, you have to go on. Dan can fill in for me, I don't mind."

"Ryan-"Dallon is ready to argue.

"R-Ryan take me."Brendon manages to get out through his cries, calming down only slightly to be out. Brendon might be in crippling pain and in dyer need of his Daddy but he knows how important that preforming is to Dallon and how upset he'd be if they cancelled. It wouldn't be fair on the fans.

"Are you sure because I-"

"Fucking hell, Dal, let me take him to the hospital!"Ryan is only yelling to get it through Dallons head, snapping the worrying Daddy back into reality."I'll take him to the hospital, you play the set and then you meet us at the hospital, okay? Everything is going to be fine, trust me."

Yo hello I hated every single part of his chapter because I'm trying to overcome some serious writers block and it's not fucking working (and it took me 3 attempts to write this chapter fun) but I'm back with a chapter and I've got the next chapters all planned so let's hope and pray for a quick update!

How has everyone been? You all doing good?

What did you think of this chapter? It wouldn't be a me fic if I didn't sprinkle some pain and tears and drama (;

Do you want some Ryan S and Brendon friendship?

Your opinion on Pete and Ryan being a sort-of-couple?

How much have you missed me and my fics? (;



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