Chapter 2: The Finidng

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Hi everyone! I'm back with a new chapter! In this chapter, we'll meet other members of the gang. Also, I want to say that all planes and aerobatics that I've used here are real. I tried to be as more truthful as possible.

Chapter 2: The Finding

Hiccup was feeling something warm and wet on his face. He slowly opened his eyes and saw that Toothless is licking him.

"Toothless! Get off of me!"

Hiccup sat on his bed and tried to clean the saliva from his face. It wasn't easy because he was literally drowning in it. He splattered some saliva on his dog's face. Toothless cleaned his face with his paw.

Hiccup cleaned his hands and took his phone from the nightstand. It was already 8:30. He overslept! He quickly kicked the blankets off him and get out of his bed.

"Thanks, bud!"

Now he understood why his dog had licked him. He was trying to wake him up! He was very dreamy yesterday, and he had slept that deep that he even hadn't heard the sound of his alarm. He was feeling guilty that he yelled at his friend but seeing Toothless' gummy smile his guilt disappeared.

Hiccup went to the bathroom and quickly had a shower. Then he opened his wardrobe and took his jeans and red checkered shirt. He quickly wore them and rushed downstairs. Hiccup filled Toothless' bowl, took his keys and backpack, and then left the house.


When Hiccup entered the building it was already 9:10. The company was outside the town, away from any buildings, so it took Hiccup a half hour to get there. He was hoping that no one will notice that he was late. He entered his room and sighed in relief, no one noticed him.

"I see you overslept," said his neighbor. "Again."

"Good morning, Fishlegs," greeted Hiccup his friend Fisher "Fishlegs" Ingerman.

"Was working on your projects until late night?" asked Fishlegs continuing to work. Hiccup was doing that very often so he didn't surprise that his friend asked him about that.

"Nah, just was dreamy and slept deep," answered Hiccup and went to his table. He didn't want to spoil everything immediately, so he just began to beat around the bush.

"Dreamy, huh? What happened?" asked Fishlegs smirking.

"Nothing. Just went to an event yesterday and talked with Astrid Hofferson," answered Hiccup like it was a normal thing to do.

"You talked with Astrid Hofferson!?" asked Fishlegs shocked. You needed to see Fishlegs' face. Hiccup nodded holding his laugh. "That Astrid Hofferson at whom you're staring every time!?"

Hiccup glared at his friend and opened his laptop.

"Not bad," said Fishlegs nodding his head. "Not bad."


Hiccup didn't feel how the time passed. He was very concentrated on his project. He was thinking about how to put a new generation engine on the old aircraft. And he was deep in thoughts when Fishlegs interrupted him.

"You know, Hiccup, it's already break time. Time for having a break," Fishlegs said the last sentence separating words like he was explaining something to a child. "Not for working. Let's go to the cafeteria.'

"Actually, you're right," said Hiccup. "I'm starving."

Hiccup hadn't had time to have breakfast this morning. He stood up and left the room with Fishlegs.

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