The Coffee Has What?

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This Tweekxreader is dedicated to kenny-mccormick song is Piece of Your Heart by Mayday Parade enjoy ^.^

_____ had (e/c) eyes and (h/l) (h/c) hair. Those were his favorite features in his girlfriend. Today was their second date and Tweek was still in the frantic stage of impressing her, whether it be: gifts, words, or just free coffee. He didn't want her to suddenly realize that dating him was a huge mistake and dump him. This date he let her choose where they would go. She arrived in front of Tweek Bros in her favorite outfit and the blond boy immediately smiled. It was actually his favorite outfit too. "H-hey so where are we going? Ah!" He congratulated himself for only stuttering once and exclaiming his anxiety with only one regular ah instead of a long scream.

"Well, there's this new coffee shop in Denver. I was hoping to check it out it's a little shop really trendy." Tweek immediately tugged at his hair. A coffee shop! A coffee shop OTHER than Tweek Bros? That was WAY TOO MUCH PRESSURE, man! Still, he was desperate to impress _____. He looked at her she was oblivious to the nerves eating him away. He forced a smile and nodded. She squealed and threw her arms around him.

"That's GREAT! I can't wait! We can get something to drink, talk and take a long walk until the sun sets it perfect!" Tweek swallowed hard nodding. After a moment he wrapped his arms around her too and squeezed her lovingly.

Tweek was pouring coffee into a cup for Officer Barbrady. Every Wednesday at noon he'd order an expresso and every Monday he'd order his usual, which included his father slapping him across the face with a cat. He took the officer's money and called for his dad.

"D-dad, nrr." He came out from the back and smiled gently.

"What can I do for you son?"

"AGH! W-well what do you think of me visiting the new coffee shop in Denver, Coffee Dean?"

"Oh well, if you go I'll have no choice but to disown you as my son. Don't you know Tweek our recipe has been in the family for more than 30 years, I can't have you going around to other coffee shops with that kind of information, you'll have failed the family business. That or I'd have to sell you into slavery to make ends meet."


"Why do you ask son?"

"N-nothing! Nevermind!"

Tweek had a driver's license but it didn't mean he wasn't a twitchy mess on the road. Craig said he should give it up and get used to taking an Uber everywhere, but with all the Uber horror stories out there it was ultimately TOO MUCH PRESSURE. Whenever there was a red light he'd tap his fingers nervously on the steering wheel hoping ____ wouldn't notice. She had one arm hooked around the crook of his elbow and the other on the radio as she sang along. The music blocked out the tapping of the wheel and it made him smile. Seeing her happy was all that he ever wanted, that and for her to stay with him forever. Hearing her scream (f/s) to the top of her lungs helped him calm down a bit. It would be all worth it.

Coffee Dean had a huge parking lot, it was nothing like Tweek Bros. The line extended out of the shop and poppy music blared from the clean establishment. Tweek cringed, what if he got caught? What if his dad had followed him? ____ seemed fine waiting in a long line. She kept his shaky hand in her grip and smiled. "Are you excited?" Tweek jumped at the words, he'd been so deep in thoughts he almost forgot where he was. He nodded and ____ looked through her phone for a menu on Yelp.

"I think I want an oreo cappucino. Doesn't that sound amazing!" She was almost drooling at the idea. Tweek smiled and she handed him her phone with the menu. He looked at it for a bit and was shocked to see the variety of items on the menu. Tweek Bros only sold hot coffee in two sizes, small and large. There were no expressos, cappuccinos, and the variety of snacks started at sugar cookies and ended at sugar cookies. Maybe they could learn from this new trending shop.

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