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I was bitting my nails while look at the clock. It's been 3 hours that Y/N and Taehyung in the operation room.

I turn to my hyung, Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok. They were worried too. I turn to the maknae, he was cupped his face for hidding the problems. I sigh and look at down.

Why all of this gonna happen? Why Y/N? Why must her? She have been through all of this for a long time. And now... her life?

Yeah... we love her so much. A lot actually. Since she come to our house, we changed a lot. We didn't play with girls, we didn't drink... she changed us from the selfish one, to the kind. She is so something for us. Or would i said... everything?

The door was burstly open and we saw the smiling doctor with the nurse walking to our way.

"You are Kim Taehyung brothers right?"

"Yes yes... we are... why doctor? Is he okey?" Hoseok ask.

"Yes! He's stable now! Don't worry about it. And you can see him now..."

"What about... Y/N?" Namjoon ask.

He stop from the smiling. Okey... i got a bad feeling about this.

"That girl? Did she your family?"

"We're her boyfriend!" We said in the same time and that doctor was widen his eyes.

"Actually..." he looking away.

"We can't save her... the bullet was going to deep in her chest and go through to the heart. And now..." the nurse telling us.

Jungkook was sit down to the floor and Yoongi was holding him. I turn to Jin and his eyes was red because of crying.

"You are kidding me, right..." Yoongi said.

"No... she's in coma now..."

That word... just make my heart... broken. I didn't feel the tears come in my corner eyes.

"We will see she in 4 days. If she didn't wake up.... i'm sorry." The doctor said and walk away with the nurse.

"Hyung! This is crazy! I didn't believe him!" Jungkook said while crying.

"Dude... come down. She will wake up in 4 days okey? We just have to wait for it..." Namjoon try to calm down that boy.

"For the first time... we very care much about our bodyguard..." Hoseok said while crying.

"And our first female bodyguard..." Jin said.

"I don't wanna lost to her..."

"We all feel the same. Just pray for her." The girl voice appear. We turn to that sound and there was Mrs. Tania.

"I think she's okey. She's very strong, you know that right? If you love her so much, just think the positive." She said while look at us.

"What about... dad?" Jungkook ask.

"I already fix that. Your dad is safe to be graved."

"Now... we lost our dad..." Hoseok said while crying.

Then Jungkook stand up and run to Y/N's room. The others yelling his name but he never care about it. We follow him until we arrived at Y/N's room.

"Y/N!" Jungkook yelled and hug her.


I can't see her like this. Not just me... but us... all of us.

"Y/N! Please wake up! This is not the time to sleep!" Hoseok yelled and cry beside her.

"Boy... calm down..." Namjoon said while walking to Y/N. She was laying down in the bed lifeless. With the machine behind her to support her life. Y/N... please wake up soon. We really need you.

"Y/N... you can't leave us just like that... it's not fair!" Jungkook yelled.

"I didn't show you the beautiful park yet! I want to bring you around the world!" Jungkook yelled again. Yoongi hyung can't see this anymore and he leaving us.

"Hyung..." i chase after him. I saw he sit down to the chair and... crying. I'm never seen him crying. This is the first time in my life. I walk to him and patted his back.

"I feel the pain too... i know how it's feel it. We just wait for her. She's okey. I know that..."

"Yeah... but... i can't see them like this. We all love Y/N very much. Now we lost our dad, i don't want to lost her." He said while looking down.


We look at that voice.


She run to us with worried face.

"How is Y/N?!"

"She..." i looking away.

"T...tell me. Is she okey?" She start to crying.

"She's.... in coma."

"What?!" She said with widen eyes.

"She's in coma. Doctor said if she didn't wake up in 4 days..." i stop my word. I can'y say it.

"D...don't said that..." she shaking her head.

"We need to accept all of this..." Mrs. Tania said.

"N..no... she can't leave me! She's my bestfriend!" Yuna crying while covered his face.

"Relax, Yuna... i know, she will survived. She is strong. I knew-"

"Guys!! Y...Y/N!" Hoseok yelled from Y/N's room and we run to Y/N.

"Is it she awake?!" Yuna ask. Hoseok shaked his head.

W..what? I thought she's wake up...

"Y/N!" Yuna yelling and hug Y/N. The operator sound is faster before this. Shit... what is going on now?!

Beep beep beep beep beep

The doctor run fastly to her and check her condition.

"Please get out! I need to checking her! Please!" He said and we get out from there. Yuna didn't stop from crying. Same all of us.

"Damn it!!" Jungkook punching the wall.

"Calm down, guys..."

After a minutes... the doctor coming out with the nurse. He walking to our way.

"I think... this is the time for-"

"But you said, it's 4 days! Why only one day?!" Yoongi yelling and this time, his face were red.

"I...i'm sorry.." the doctor walk away.

"I will see Taehyung..." i said and walk away.


They just look at Jimin way and then back to each other.

"Let's pray for her..." Yuna said and walk to Y/N's room.

We all follow her and watch her.

"Y/N... why you must leave me? Why... you promise that you will be with me..." she said and crying in Y/N's hand.

Is it this the ending for them?


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A/N : Hello hello hello! It's almost in ending. Did Y/N died? Really? Well... sad for her then. Love you army!
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