Chapter 13: Need a Hand

Start from the beginning

"You went through hell to find us." Lori held Ricks gaze, "You just got here and you're gonna turn around and leave?"

Carl was listening into the conversation now and so was Indigo.

"Dad, I don't want you to go." Carl told him and Indigo caught Ricks eye.

"To hell with the guns." Lori snapped, "Shane is right. Merle Dixon? He's not worth one of your lives, even with guns thrown in. Tell me. Make me understand."

"I owe a debt to a man I met and his little boy." Rick replied as Loris face softened, "Lori, if they hadn't taken me in, I'd have died. It's because of them that I made it back to you at all. They said they'd follow me to Atlanta. They'll walk into the same trap I did if I don't warn him."

"What's stopping you?" She asked as Indigo looked at him.

"The walkie-talkie, the one in the bag I dropped." Indigos mind flash backed to seeing Rick talking into one back after a few days he had found her, "He's got the other one. Our plan was to connect when they got closer."

"These are our walkies?" Shane questioned.

Rick nodded, "Yeah."

"So use the CB. What's wrong with that?" Andrea asked lifting a brow.

"The CB's fine. It's the walkies that suck to crap..." Shane told her then nodded at the equipment, "Date back to the '70s, don't match any other bandwidth...not even the scanners in our cars."

"I need that bag. Okay?" Rick was irritated now. He knew what he had to do and he understood where they were all coming from but he wished they would just let him do it without argument.

"All right." Lori nodded softly placing a hand on her husbands face. Rick gave her a reassuring smile then approached both Carl and Indi.

"Okay?" Carl nodded in response but Indigo shook her head.

"You promised you wouldn't leave."

Rick kneeled to her level, "I'll be back before you know it."

Carl took Indi's hand as they made their way back to their tent. Indigo looked back once more at the man who reminded of her own father.


"Rumor is you have bolt cutters."

Dale glanced at Rick, "Maybe."

"Yeah, we get to that roof, though, we'll need to cut that chain and the handcuffs." T-Dog told them as he patted some stray dirt off of his shirt.

"I never like lending tools." Dale gazed at the last of his tools then at the men, "The last time I did... and yes, I am talking about you...let's just say your bag of guns wasn't the only bag that was dropped. The majority of my tools got left behind with Merle."

Rick bit his lip thinking, "We'll bring your tools back too. Think of the bolt cutters as an investment. "

"Sounds like more of a gamble." Dale chuckles softly hesitantly giving the bolt cutters to him, "What do I get in return?"

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