Chapter 17

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"You again!" Harriet said as she opened the door, grabbing John to pull him into the house and into her arms.

John hugged her back just as hard. "Sorry. Just needed a bit of a getaway."

Clara walked in from the kitchen. "More boy troubles? You really should switch back to women. They are much better." She patted Harriet's bottom as she walked up to greet John.

Seeing the warm look that passed between the women, John gave a wry smile. "Aye, wish I could. But I love the damn berk."

Linking her arm through his, Harriet tugged him down the hall and into the kitchen. "Oh, it's like that, is it? Well, come sit down. We're just about to have some stew."


It had taken a while, but by the time they were sitting on the wicker furniture on the front porch, sipping tea, the women had the full story.

John felt better for having talked about it all. It gave him some perspective. His emotions were such a mess about everything.

"So, he hasn't used opium for years, but he talked about it like he could drop everything and go back to it. Is that how it really is, after so long?" John ran a hand through his hair.

Harriet leaned against his side. "Yes, that's how it works. Not a day passes when I don't think about going back to drinking, sometimes many times a day."

"But you haven't had anything for months!"

She shrugged. "It numbs feelings, lets you escape from reality. Who doesn't want that sometimes?"

John turned to Clara. "How do you deal with it? Knowing it's still such a pull?"

Clara's dark eyes met Harriet's. "We have had our share of screaming matches. Huge fights. In the end, we are taking it day by day and supporting each other through the hard stuff."

They talked on, long into the night. John went to sleep with a small smile on his mouth. He had a plan.


John felt nervous as he knocked on the front door.

The doorman, Billy, answered it fairly fast. "Dr. Watson! It is good to see you."

John nodded back. "Would I be able to see Mr. Holmes? Is he free?"

Billy's eyebrows shot up. "We would have to check with Miss Donovan. But it's Monday and he never sees people on Mondays."

Trying not to look annoyed, John took a steading breath. "I know, Billy. I'm not here to see him as a client. I want to see him as a friend. Would you let him know I am here?"

Billy nodded and waved John in to wait in the foyer. A few minutes later he escorted John to Sherlock's door.

Sherlock answered quickly to John's knock. He looked very tired, his smile of greeting not reaching his eyes.

"Could we walk around the garden a little? It's a lovely day outside." John asked, feeling nervous about what he wanted to bring up.

Sherlock agreed and they walked through the main part of the house to get to the garden.

John often had spent time out here in the past, and he guided them to a deep quiet corner. There was a bench overlooking a pond of goldfish, and a willow tree providing dappled shade from the afternoon sunlight. They wouldn't be disturbed here.

"Sherlock," John started when they had settled on the bench, "I had a few days, thinking over everything from the last time I was here. You said I could either choose between having you a consort a few hours a week, or being a drug addict. But I propose that there is a third option."

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