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Marlo's P.O.V. 

I woke up to see Finn sitting across the room reading on the couch. I climbed out of bed and walked towards a mirror that was on the wall, pulling my hair up. 

"We need to leave. The sooner we get to Wyoming the sooner I get to call my mom," I said, feeling the anger from last night resurface.

"Do you know where my phone got put?" I asked, trying to break the silence. 

"In the car," Finn answered while pulling on a shirt. 

"Umm, am I supposed to just ride in this?" I asked. 

"You ask too many questions, learn to hold your tongue, you never know who is listening." 

"I wasn't even saying anything important! I was talking about clothes!" 

"Shh," he whispered. 

"Oh, so you're paranoid. Is someone listening now?" I taunted. I was fed up, he acted like my opinion didn't matter. He was just disrespectful. 

"Get down now," I normally wouldn't have listened but his tone and the fact that he did the same thing is what convinced me. That was when I heard it, the bang followed by the light whistle. 


"Shh, shh," he comforted, "I need you to trust me for reasons like this," he whispered into my ear as he pulled me onto his lap on the floor. I rested my head on his shoulder when I saw the small, round hole in the door leading to the hallway. I had been shot at. 


I sat cross-legged in the passenger seat, waiting for Finn to talk. I wasn't sure why I was shot at or how Finn could've heard it. 

"I'm sorry you're being dragged into this mess," Finn finally said dragging his palm down his face. 

"No, no you. You don't have to be sorry. It- it isn't your fault," I whispered. I was so confused. I felt like a plastic bag floating in the wind. The only difference was the fact that I would not enjoy that bliss of flying. I was stuck in my own head, overthinking and rethinking everything that had happened in the last twenty-four hours. 

He ran his hand through is beach blonde hair. Shrugging as if it didn't matter that I was sorry, and though I wish I could help him feel less guilty, I knew nothing that I said would help. He was too stubborn.

I stole a glance in his direction. Wishing I hadn't noticed he was gorgeous. 

I mentally scolded myself wishing that I could act like most kidnapped people and resist being taken, let alone daydreaming about my captor. Yet here I was, being taken willingly to a place I didn't know. With a man I didn't know, who also seemed incapable of expressing himself in any other way than actions. Not to mention he'd been an uncompassionate monster the whole time. I groaned inwardly.  

"You think I'm an uncompassionate monster?"Finn whispered,  sounding hurt.

"I never said that."

"You thought about it."

"And you know this how?"

"I-I just forget I asked." 


He was no longer looking at me. I watched as he ran his fingers through his hair.  

"I-I don't know what's going on and I'm so confused," I whispered. He put one of his hands on my leg. I recoiled from his touch and moved farther away.

"Please don't assume I'm horrible if you don't even know me," He responded. That was the biggest issue I had with him! The fact that I didn't even know the man. Either way, I nodded, not wanting to anger him. I turned to look out the window, grateful when he didn't pester me anymore about my thoughts. I still wondered how he knew what I was thinking. But hoped I could figure it out later. 

Finn's P.O.V.

I had said too much and it was hard to resist reading her thoughts. I knew she was confused and that she deserved an answer but I was worried the minute I told her that she would be scared away. We drove for a way in silence before I turned on the radio letting the music play quietly. 


When I pulled into the gas station Lo was asleep, I gently shook her awake before I went inside to get snacks. "What should I get you?" 

"I'll just come in with you," she said slipping on her shoes. I nodded and opened the drivers' side door and walked around to open hers. She unbuckled and waited for me to open the door. 

"Thanks," She mumbled and began to walk past me. 

"Hey, hey slow down," I said once I had caught up to her.

"I'm going to see if they have a pay phone so I can call my mother," She said determinedly. 

This time I didn't stop her but gave her change and went to get a soda and a few snacks.

Marlo's P.O.V.

 I quickly dialed my mom's number and waited for her to pick up. It rang twice before she picked up, "Hello? Who is this?" 

"Hey mom, this is Marlo." 

"Oh, baby why didn't you call me sooner I was worried!" 

"I'm..." I saw Finn look at me and shake his head, "... doing good, my phone died and I forgot a charger, then Em left her phone at the cabin so when I saw the pay phone I decided to call you." 

"Okay please borrow Em's charger so I can contact you, thanks for calling, I love you but I'm on a shift right now can we talk later?" 

"Yes, mom love you and miss you." 

"I love you to baby. Bye." 

"Bye, mom." 

I hung up the phone and walked over to Finn. "Thank you for letting me talk to her." He continued to pay attention to the food on the shelves. 

"It's not a problem." 

"Well you're not happy so obviously it is." 

"Choose some food and let's get out of here." 

I walked away grabbing food and a water bottle on my way to the cashier where Finn was setting his things on the counter. He paid, collected our things and started out towards the car. 

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