Diagon Ally

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There was a whole village filled with shops and vendors of the sorts. There were so many colors, sounds and smells. Rebekah saw owls flying above, carrying packages. Elijah saw children running and gazing into a window shop looking at broomsticks. Niklaus saw a potions shop and the shop owner demonstrating a new cauldron. They were in awe. It was nothing like they have seen in their thousand years. They walked through the village looking at all the shops. "Well, what do you suppose we do now?" Rebekah pointed out. "Right! Well.." Niklaus said unsure. Elijah walked forward and saw a huge person. Was that a giant? He walked up closer and saw the man with the big bushy black beard. He was arguing with a man wearing black robes with long blonde almost white hair. "Watch where you are going you oaf!" The blonde man shout angrily. "You should tell that to yerself!" The big man grunted. Elijah was annoyed by the angry man and walked up to them. He grabbed the man by the shoulder and turned him towards himself. Elijah stared into the pathetic man's eyes and said venomously, "Let this man be." And he looked at Elijah, and he thought for a second it didn't work but then he started to walk away. Elijah fixed his tie and started to walk away. "Hold on there!" The big man shouted. Elijah turned around, "The names' Rubeus, but call me Hagrid if you'd like." Elijah faced him. "I'm Elijah." Hagrid nodded. "Nice to meet yer." Unsure what to do next, as if on cue, his brother and sister showed up. "Who is your new friend brother?" Nik smirked at me. Elijah gave him a quick glare. So fast that only Nik could see it. "Hagrid" Answered by the man himself. He held out his hand and Nik stared at it until Hagrid dropped it. "Well, I best be on my way now." Rebekah piped up. "Wait, could you show us where we should go?" Hagrid boomed, "Of course! What are yer looking for?" Assuming Niklaus hadn't thought this far ahead, Elijah spoke up. "We would like to be directed towards a place to stay or perhaps someone who could help us?

"Sure thing!" Hagrid boomed again. He led them through roads and pathways and crowds of so called wizards until they reached a small tea shop. He led them inside and the shop was empty except for and old man with a white beard and half moon spectacles. Hagrid cleared his throat. "Erm.. Professor?" The old man looked up from his paper. Niklaus looked down at the paper and saw the old man's face on the cover. Surely he must be a powerful member of these people. If that is him on the front page. "Yes, Rubeus?" Hagrid stepped aside revealing the vampires to the old man. "I've met a few new friends and they need a place to stay. This one here," pointing to Elijah, "scared Malfoy off a bit ago when he was having a row with me." The old man stood up and examined them. He smiled at them and introduced himself. "Hello, my name is Albus Dumbledore, headmaster at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry." School? Niklaus thought. You can learn this stuff? He spoke up. "Hello, my new friend! My name is Niklaus. This is Elijah and Rebekah. My siblings. We are new to this....region. Is there a way we could come to this school?"

Dumbledore smiled. "I'm afraid you are a bit old for this school, but we could manage to enroll you three. Are you wizards?"

"I'm not sure, but our mother was a witch." Rebekah said. Right! Elijah thought, maybe they could fit in in this insane place. "I see, and do you possesses magical properties?" "No we do not." Rebekah said sadly. "Neither of us do." Dumbledore
shook his head. "Sorry to hear you three are squibs." Niklaus snapped his head up. "What did you call us?" Niklaus asked. "A squib. A child of a witch or wizard with no magic." Rebekah piped up, "Wait, does that means we can't learn?" Dumbledore smiled. "Of course not, you just can't perform spells and such. There is still plenty to learn."

And that's how the Originals became students at Hogwarts.


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