The First Meal

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The next morning, Elijah woke up in his new bedroom. He looked around and had to remember where he was. The last few days seemed like a dream. He saw the trunk on the floor that had been on his bed last night. He opened it then but didn't really examine the contents. He lifted the top half to open it up to see what clothes he had. He was slightly disappointed that there wasn't one of his suits in there for him to wear. He knew there wasn't going to be but he had hoped for it.

He pulled out black slacks and what seems to be a white button up shirt. He grimaced, it was kind of a suit but not really. Could be worse he thought. He searched the trunk for the rest and pulled a sweater vest. He cringed. It just became worse. He put it back. There's no way I am wearing that! He thought. He figured if he wore the robe over the rest then he would be fine. He found the robe and a blue and silver tie and put them on. He heard the children or his so-called fellow student chatter in the common room through the walls. It must be time to go to breakfast.

He left his study and followed the other children to what was called, The Great Hall, which was a generous sized room with four long tables leading to a table rotated ninety degrees to the others. That table was on a platform presumably for the teachers. There was also, a podium in front of it. It seemed that each table represented one of the houses. There goes sitting by his siblings. At least Niklaus has Rebekah to keep him in line.

"Over hear!" A voice said. Elijah looked over to see a girl with blonde hair about the age of 12 siting alone at the Ravenclaw table. "Yes, you!" She waved at him and Elijah considered going back to the dorm but decided to go sit with this child. He'd rather sit with one person than a whole group of children at the other end. He sat down on the bench of the table not quite across from the girl. "Hello!" She piped. Elijah gave her a tight smile and nodded.

Just then, he hears his brother's voice. He looks over and struggled to hold back a laugh. Niklaus had walked in and he was wearing the button up shirt with the sweater vest with no robe or tie. He usually can keep his composure throughout many situations but here was something about seeing your brother, not just any brother but Niklaus mind you, a savage of a vampire, wearing a child's uniform. He clenched his teeth and looked away for a split second to regain control of himself. He looked back and saw Rebekah in uniform as well. She was wearing a gray skirt, the white button up shirt, a red and gold tie with a black button up cardigan. It looked better on her than Niklaus and Elijah. She could pull off the schoolgirl look. She looked as if she was the age of a sixth or seventh year student anyway.

Elijah listened in on his brother's hushed conversation with Rebekah. "I look like a servant! A royal fool! This is ridiculous! I am going back!" He started to turn but Rebekah grabbed his arm, "Behave yourself, Nik!" He clenched his jaw and glared at Rebekah and followed her to their seats. Elijah stiffled another laugh and Rebekah made eye contact with him. She mouthed, "Shut it!" with a glare. Elijah took a breath and nodded.

A great sound of laughter came from what was the Slytherin table. The three siblings turned their heads towards the noise and they saw a group of pesky boys, their ring leader, a pale boy with blonde hair making gestures of a ghost. "Oooh the dementors!" His friends roared with laughter. "Oooh Potter! They are coming for you!" The blonde boy pretends to faint. Elijah looked over to where the boy was staring.

A child around his same age was sitting at the Gryffindor table with a few friends sitting by him was glaring back, ready to go for a fight. He had black hair and circular glasses that seemed to not fit in their generation of style. This boy fainted too? Elijah thought. He looked at his siblings, who've must've been thinking the same. And these boys were making fun of this Potter boy for it? Was it a sign of weakness to faint with these creatures attacking? Elijah was getting annoyed by them, he eavesdropped into Potter's conversation with his friend. "Don't worry about them, Harry." The girl said. "Right mate, Malfoy nearly wet himself when the dementors came onto the train." This was said by an older red haired boy. At least this child had friends to side with him. He looked at Niklaus who appeared to be having the same thought as Elijah. Except Niklaus looked furious, as in bloodshed furious. He probably is offended over this child's taunting as the three of them fainted as well. He stayed put though, keeping his promise to the headmaster.

As the breakfast went on, a few students called prefects handed out course schedules. They had different classes on them such as Charms, Potion, Transfiguration, and Divination. Each house shared classes with one other house. There was also talk of a game called, Quidditch. Was this the game to be played in the sports arena? Elijah watched other students eat and talk amongst their friends. Everyone student except for the one he was sitting by. She ate alone in silence while studying her schedule. Is there a reason no one talks to her? Elijah thought.

A few minutes later, the students started leaving in small groups. Probably heading to a class. Elijah looked at his own schedule and saw he had a free period. He wondered if his siblings did too? He was about to get up and ask them when he felt a warm burning sensation in his pocket. It wasn't that hot, but just enough to get his attention. He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out the pocket watch from the old professor. The numbers on the clock started turning bright red. That must be the professor's signal. He looked at his siblings as well. Niklaus was looking at his watch as Elijah was. Rebekah was staring down at her necklace as the pendent went from silver to a light red. They all looked at each other and made their way to the headmaster's office. Now Elijah knew why he had a free period.

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