Meeting Sir Nicholas

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I know it's been awhile since I updated! I've been pretty busy with life. I haven't been writing as much lately and part of my New Years resolution is to write on Wattpad more often! Enjoy!

The Originals went back into the hallway only to be greeted by a transparent cloud. Then, they realized it was in fact a ghost. It stopped them in their tracks. They've seen a lot of things like werewolves, vampires, and witches but this was new. A ghost that was physically there. Not just a glimpse or an illusion. It was a man dressed in an outfit that seemed centuries old. The siblings were even more surprised when it started speaking to them. "Hello! I'm Sir Nicholas also as known as Nearly Headless Nick!" Elijah and Niklaus looked at him questioningly. Rebekah piped up, "Headless? How?" The ghost responded, "Oh don't flatter me! I only wish I was headless!" He then tilted his neck and tugged on his glimmering hair and his head detached from his neck. Well, almost. It was still slightly attached. Rebekah covered her mouth in either horror or disgust. Her brothers couldn't quite tell. Elijah looked bewildered while Niklaus had a slightly interested look on his face. "This is how I died. Only they didn't do a good job decapitating me." Sir Nick put his head back on the rest of his ghostly body.

"Now that my introduction is out of the way..." Sir Nick motioned the vampires to follow him. "I'm going to take you three to your dormitories." He led them to the corridor, a great area with staircases going up stories and stories high. The walked on the first steps. They looked at the room and saw how unorganized and ineffective the stairs were. They were everywhere! Some didn't even lead to anything. As they observed longer, they realized that the stairs were moving. All of them did. Not at the same time but in a way it was almost like clockwork. They could see that all stories and entries were accessible if you got on the right stairs at the right time. And the paintings... There were hundreds of old paintings of many shapes, sizes, and colors! Niklaus gazed admiringly at them as a art lover himself. His siblings didn't pay much attention to the paintings as he did. Then he noticed something. A painting he just saw, it had three horses in it and when he saw it the second time, there was a fourth horse. He inspected the painting and saw that the horses were walking through the pasture. Surprised once again, he took a step back and looked around, taking it all in. They were all moving! He gasped. It was beautiful. Each painting was recreated over and over. New art and images in each frame constantly changing. He stared in awe. He could watch all day. But he snapped back to reality when the staircase they were on started moving.

He grabbed the rail to steady his balance, although he had great balance to begin with, being a vampire and all. They still had some human like instincts that were more like habits to convince the living they weren't any different. His siblings did the same while Sir Nick floated up to the entry way they were going towards. Niklaus wanted to jump up there but he had to respect the professor's wishes of hiding their true selves.

They reached the new corridor and exited the stairs. "This is the entry for Gryffindor's common room and dormitory." He looked at Rebekah and Niklaus and nodded for them to go forward. The entry was a painting. How are they going to get in? Niklaus hoped this wouldn't be a repeat of the brick entry for Diagon Alley. Sir Nick looked at Elijah and back at the other two. He cleared his throat, "Would you mind standing over there please? I need to tell them the password and you can't know Mr. Ravenclaw." Elijah nodded and took a few steps back. He smirked for a millisecond because he still would be able to hear the password with his not so human hearing.
Sir Nick leaned into The space between Niklaus and Rebekah and whispered, "Fortuna Major."

The lady on the painting heard as well and nodded. Suddenly, her whole painting started moving and it was literally a door. Behind that painting was a room with wooden floors and red rugs. It has brown leather couches and a nice big fireplace. Sir Nick smiled, "There you go friends!" Rebekah and Niklaus thanked the ghost and slowly walked in while observing every detail. When they got in side the red dorm, the painting door shut once again.

Sir Nick turned to Elijah and smiles, "Shall we go find the Ravenclaw dormitory?"

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