Elijah goes to London

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Elijah Mikaelson was on his way to the Mikaelson Estate when his cell phone rang. He pulled it out and answered. "Elijah!" Niklaus's voice flooded his ear and started talking non stop. "You need to come to London right now! I have found something amazing!" Elijah rolled his eyes. "Well, what is it?" Elijah said annoyed. "There are these people who are not human but aren't vampires, werewolves, hybrids. I have never seen anyone like them. They speak of magic and they know of vampires!" Klaus was bewildered. "Calm down Niklaus." Elijah said sighing. "I will come, but if I do then so does Rebekah." Niklaus pondered this for a few seconds. "Fine. I don't care if our sister comes." Elijah was mildly surprised. He didn't think that Nik would give in that easily. "See you tomorrow then.

That afternoon Elijah boarded the family jet with Rebekah. "What is going on Elijah?!" Rebekah demanded. "I'm not quite sure yet." Elijah replied honestly. He told her what Niklaus had said and Rebekah looked confused. "I never heard of these witches." Elijah looked at her, "Then we should be very careful. These people have stayed unknown to us for so long and there could be good reason behind it."

They arrived in London the next morning and went to meet Niklaus. He stood at the airport blending in with the crowd. Oh, if only these humans knew who he was. Elijah and Rebekah walked up to greet their brother. "Hello Nik." Rebekah smiled casually.  Nik gave her a half smile and returned the greeting. "Hello sister, shall we?" They followed Niklaus into a cab and took it to a shady ally. "Thank you, this is where we will be left off." Niklaus said as he handed the driver his fare and compelled him to forget them.

"Where are we going?" Rebekah asked. "Yes brother, where indeed?" Elijah questioned. "Almost there." Nik muttered. He led them to a big wooden door at the end of he ally. The Leaky Cauldron. The sign next to it had been carelessly nailed to the wall. They went in. It was full of people in robes and they were all talking about things that the originals didn't understand. Hogwarts. Azkaban. Dumbledore. Sirius Black. Harry Potter. What was this nonsense? Elijah stepped forward. An short elderly lady in green robes seemed to appear out of no where. She almost ran into Elijah before he used a bit of vampire speed to move out of the way. She turned around and gaped. "Sorry there, didn't mean to startle you Sir!" Elijah nodded and turned the other direction. She wasn't even bothered by the fact that he just moved with such speed. What is this place? He scanned the rest of the pub. He felt and hand on his shoulder, he turned around knowing that the hand belonged to his brother. "Come Elijah." Niklaus demanded. Elijah followed his sibling to the back of the bar where there was a brick wall.  Nik placed his hand on the wall. "What are you doing?" Rebekah asked with a confused tone. "I swear this wall opened up yesterday, but I don't know how to get through." Rebekah snorted, "Just break it! You are a bloody vampire!" She step forward and punched the wall. "Owww!" She cried out. "What's wrong? Do you need a band aid?" Niklaus said, teasing his sister. "I tried that yesterday, it doesn't work." Elijah looked around. "It seems there is some sort of spell. If we just find a witch... Ahh you there!" Elijah called out to another woman in robes. "Could you lend us a hand and tell us how to open this so called door?" She  hustled over, "Oh, they still haven't fixed it have they? Only witches and wizards can go through without help. Here." She pulled out a piece of wood. A stick. No, a wand. She tapped on the brick wall a few times. "There you go dear." And then the wall started shifting and moving brick by brick until there was a doorway shaped hole in the wall.

"Ahh thank you!" Niklaus exclaimed.  Elijah smirked at his brother. They went through the door and what they saw next was amazing.

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