The Dementors

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As they continued their journey, the sky darkened and the clouds grew heavy as it started to rain. The Originals were relaxing through the remainder of the trip when the train came to a stop. Elijah looked out the window. "I don't think we have arrived quite yet." The train gave a jolt. Rebekah sat straight up. "What the bloody hell was that!?" She cried out. Niklaus got up to look into the corridor but the train jolted once again, he grabbed the door to keep from falling. Suddenly, a mysterious fog clouded the inside of the train and it's windows. That's when they felt it. All the happiness they ever felt from a thousand years time was sucked from their souls. They were in so much agony that they all passed out. They heard screaming just before they lost consciousness.

    Elijah slowly opened his eyes. He didn't know where he was until he remembered what happened on the train. He sat straight up and looked around. He was on a hospital bed and his siblings were as well. They were still asleep. He was just about to get up when he saw a lady wearing white come to him. "Oh, you are awake my dear!" She pulled out a slab of chocolate and offered it to him. He tried to refuse but she insisted. Elijah gave in and took the chocolate. He nibbled a small bite off of it and felt a warmth shoot through his body. It surprised him. He looked at her and asked, "Where might I be?" She smiled at him. "Why, you are in the hospital wing at Hogwarts. My question for you is why are you and your siblings so affected by the dementors?" Elijah stared at her, "Dementors?" She nodded, "Yes, the dark creatures who guard Azkaban prison." She looked around and lowed her voice and whispered, "The ministry sent them to look out for Sirius Black. The rumor is that Black is searching for Harry Potter." She must have seen the confusion on Elijah's face because she gave him a bewildered look. "Blimey! Don't you listen to the news?" Elijah looked at her. "I'm afraid not. Who is Sirius Black and Harry Potter?" She threw her hands up into the air in frustration. Then, she saw he was serious. "Sirius Black is a murderer who killed 12 people at the same time. He is or was in Azkaban, but he escaped." Elijah wasn't impressed. He killed far more people than that. "As for Harry Potter, how could you not know him. He is the boy who lived. The boy who destroyed 'you know who' while he was only an infant!" She said drastically. Elijah nodded, trying to understand. "Who is this unspoken person you call 'you know who'?" She paled, "only the darkest wizard of the ages. His name itself is so dark, trouble follows it. He was unstoppable and had followers called Death Eaters. Even the greatest witches and wizards feared him. Until one night, Harry Potter was meant to be his next victim, but something went wrong and the dark lord died. No one ever knew what happened." Elijah thought, This man almost sounds as terrifying as Niklaus. He looked at the lady with a face of curiosity. "What is his name?" She shivered. "Please don't make me say it!" Elijah leaned towards her. "It is foolish to fear just a name. So please do tell me if his name is so terrifying." She whispered softly, "Voldemort." Elijah leaned back. "Ahhhh.."


   Then, they heard the sound of Niklaus coming to. He jolted straight up and looked around. Elijah met his brothers eyes. He smiled at him, and handed him the rest of his chocolate. "This will help." Niklaus took the chocolate and bit into it. He looked surprised with the reaction as well. And then he started to question his location as well.

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