Chapter 23

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When I woke up I felt much better than I had the night before and I felt the comfortable weight of Nik's arm around me as well as his heartbeat against my back. After an experience like last night this was exactly what I needed. To simply feel relaxed and safe. I lay there appreciating the moment until Nik woke up, nuzzling his head into my neck as he did so which caused me to shiver.
'Morning Little Wolf.' He mumbled against my skin.
'Morning.' I respond. 'Are we waking up your family today? I know that you wanted to have a house built for you guys but now that Mikael is gone I think we should wake them up now. You can all stay here until you can get your house built. It might get a tad cramped but I think we could make do for a while.' I suggest.
'You'd really house all of us?' He asks me, propping himself up on his elbow to look at me.
'Of course I would.' I respond. 'I have three other bedrooms in this house, I mean the likelihood is that Bekah and Stef will take one, I don't see them staying at the boarding house with Damon. Then Finn, Elijah and Kol can split the other two between them as they wish. That is assuming that you are going to continue the habit you seem to have developed over the summer and stay with me.' I point out. 'I see your family as my family at this point Nik, why not have them stay here until they have a place of their own?'
'I've said it before and I'll say it again. You are incredible.' He compliments. 'So, we should get ready, have breakfast and then find Rebekah and Stefan before we wake up the rest of my siblings.' He suggests.
'Sounds like a plan.' We part ways and both go to take a shower and get dressed before we meet back downstairs and make breakfast while calling Stefan and Rebekah. Apparently Bekah had been daggered and left in the Boarding house basement, but Stefan woke her up and they were on their way to come and join us for breakfast. Nik had to calm me down a little when they said that it was Elena that had stabbed Rebekah in the back, quite literally. But eventually I had calmed and returned to making breakfast with the hybrid as we discussed plans for the mansion he intended to build. He already had plans made and had called his hybrids to get started on it.
By the time they arrived we had the table set with food on centre plates and some blood for them to drink while I stuck to coffee. They joined us and we swapped stories of the previous night so that we were all caught up.
'I know I said that I would awake our siblings once I had a house built for us.' Nik started and I could already see Bekah's smile beginning to fall. 'However, the Little Wolf has kindly offered to allow us all to stay here until the house is ready so that we can wake them today.' He finished and Rebekah's smile came back full force.
'Really?' She asked glancing between us with hope shining in her eyes.
'Really Bekah.' I reply. She lets out a happy laugh, tears spilling down her cheeks.
'Can we go now?' She asks. I couldn't help but think of how much she was like a child, and in a way she was, having her life ripped away in such a cruel way at a young age.
'Of course, make sure to pack blood bags. I don't hold it against you guys but I don't want the attention that a pile of dead bodies will bring us.' I point out.
'Alright Love.' Nik says and we all rise from the table. Nik goes to the fridge and takes out enough blood bags that they can have a couple each. I stack the dishes in the sink to do later. We are soon in the car and headed towards the warehouse that housed the rest of the Mikaelson family.
When we get there I see that there are hybrids guarding the coffins, which was a wise move considering the amount of enemies in this town. I approached the coffin which I knew held Elijah, while Nik went to Finn and Bekah to Kol. After opening the coffins, with a glance to each other, we each pulled the daggers out.

A Wolf, A Hybrid and A Vampire- Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now