Chapter 14

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They woke us up as we passed the Welcome to Mystic Falls sign and Jamie moved from my arms, rubbing her eyes blearily which was entirely adorable. 'Head for the High School, it's senior prank night and I know for a fact that Caroline will have made sure that they are all there.' She informed us. 'She was planning to drag me there before this all happened.'
'Well, let's go catch us a doppelganger.' I said with a grin and Stefan drove us to the school.
'Caroline and Damon are off limits, our deal still stands Nik.' She stated firmly.
'Of course, Love.' What she didn't know is that I wouldn't have hurt them anyway because it would cause her pain as well. 'And as soon as all of this is done, when I have my hybrids and a house built for us, I will awaken our family, all of them.' I say this to Rebekah who looks at me with tears in her eyes.
'All of them?' I nod. 'We can truly be a family again.' She says happily and grips Stefan's free hand.
'I imagine that they'll all want to kill me at first but I'm sure that eventually we will reconcile and yes, we shall be a family again.' I could see that Jamie was looking at me with what I thought was pride in her eyes.
When we got to the school we decided to split up to search for Elena. I couldn't believe our luck when Elena walked right into me. 'Klaus.' There was unbridled panic in her eyes. She turned to run but Jamie blocked her escape. 'Jamie, why are you helping him?' Jamie just smiled at her.
'You are supposed to be dead. What are we going to do about that?' I said with a grin as the scent of her fear washed over me. I started to drag her towards the gym. 'You put rather a large kink in my plans sweetheart. The whole point of breaking the curse and becoming a hybrid was to make more hybrids.' I tell the doppelganger.
'And to be your true self, Nik.' Jamie adds in as she walks beside us.
'And that Little Wolf, but back to the hybrids, see I haven't been able to make any yet. Now my bet is, it has something to do with the fact that you're still breathing.' I continue, annoyed at the doppelganger for causing me problems.
'If you're going to kill me, just do it!' She said angrily.
'Not until we know for sure that if you die Nik can make his hybrids, the witch who placed the curse is a tricky little thing so we are being very careful about this.' Jamie tells her.
'But I have ways of making you suffer.' I tell Elena before entering the gym with Jamie on our heels. 'Attention seniors. You have officially been busted, prank night is over. Head on home.' I announce in my American accent to the teens currently setting up a prank involving water and many, many plastic cups. I consider using Dana and Chad as leverage but decide that seeing Stefan with Bekah will be torture enough for Elena.
After the teens have all disappeared Bonnie and Matt enter the gym. 'Bonnie, get out of here.' Elena yells and I speed to stand behind the witch.
'Ah, I was wondering when you'd show up.' She spins to face me. 'Now we can get started.'
'Hey BonBon, Matty Blue Eyes.' Little Wolf says as she waves her hand with a little smirk on her face, I like how cruel she is to people who were formally her allies and friends.
'I assume that you are the reason Elena's still walking around alive?' I ask the Bennett witch.
'That's right. If you want to blame someone, blame me.' She says and I admire her tenacity.
'Oh BonBon, so eager to protect the doppelbitch, don't worry, witchy, you aren't going to die just yet, we need you to do a little something for us first.' Jamie comments.
'Yes, your interference has caused some undesirable side effects and now you are going to fix it.' I tell her as the doors bang open and Stefan and Rebekah walk in dragging Tyler between them.
'Get off of me!' He growls.
'Hush now.' Bekah tells the wolf.
'Stefan.' Elena gasps but he barely looks at her.
'I'd like you all to meet my sister Rebekah. Word of warning, she can be quite mean.' I tell them all with a grin.
'Don't be an ass to Bekah, Nik.' Stefan comments as they hand Tyler to me.
'Leave him alone!' The doppelganger says, glancing at Stefan.
'I'm going to make this very simple- everytime I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, they die during the transition.' I start moving away from them with Tyler struggling in my grasp.
'It's quite horrible, actually.' Jamie comments.
I bite into my wrist and force Tyler to drink my blood. 'I need you to find a way to save my hybrids, Bonnie. And for Tyler's sake...' I snap his neck.
'You better hurry.' Jamie grins at them all as they gasp in shock, I walk over to her and sling an arm over her shoulder.
'What she said.' They remain in a shocked state as we move away from the body.

A Wolf, A Hybrid and A Vampire- Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now