Chapter 13

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Nik's P.O.V.
Jamie had fallen asleep some time ago and I used the opportunity to draw her as she looked asleep, peaceful, and completely at ease. I had just glanced up to make sure I was capturing her correctly when I noticed she had a small frown on her face.
She started to move her head from side to side, murmuring under her breath. 'No... Stop... you're dead...' She was getting more and more agitated so I quickly undid my seat belt and moved closer to her.
'Jamie.' I shook her arm lightly. 'It's only a dream Little Wolf. Wake up.' I shook her a little harder and she woke up panicking. She tried to hit at me with blind eyes, still seeing whatever it was she was dreaming about. I put my arms around her and pulled her to my chest. 'It's me. It's Nik.' I tell her as she struggles against me. 'Come on, Little Wolf, you know my scent by now, breathe and you tell me.' I tell her, stroking my hand down her back in a soothing manner. She breathes deeply and then all the fight goes out of her.
'Nik.' She breathes out, her head buried in my chest. 'God. I thought he was dead. I thought he was dead but now I'm not so sure. Now I think he might still be coming for me.' She sounded terrified and she was shaking like a leaf. I glanced up to see the worried expressions of Stefan and my sister in the front seats.
'It was just a dream, Love.' I keep her in my arms as I reassure her. But she shakes her head.
'No. No Nik. He's coming for me. I can feel it. I don't remember killing him that day and now he's coming to finish what the others couldn't. He's coming to kill me Nik.' She sounded so sure, and so, so scared.
'Who's coming?' I asked carefully.
'Markus. He's my grandfather on my mother's side. A hunter, the worst one of them all. He's evil incarnate Nik and he's got his sights set on me.'
'He won't get close.' I whisper, placing a small kiss to her head before I move us both so that we are lying down across the back seat, and Jamie remains on my chest. 'Try to sleep Little Wolf. Remember what I said last time?'
'You'll chase the dreams away.' She murmured as she fell back asleep quickly, still out of it. I continued to trace patterns on her back after she was asleep. Something about this girl, it made me care in a way I haven't in a long time.
'Nik. Bloody hell.' Bekah says from her seat and I look to her with troubled eyes. 'We'll protect her from whatever is coming, she's family.' She says with a fierce expression on her face.
'Family?' I raise an eyebrow in her direction.
'You fool no one Nik. It's obvious to everyone but her that you feel something towards her, besides Lijah and I have claimed her as a sister already so other way she's family and we protect family. Always and Forever, brother.' She promises.
I look back down at Jamie. 'Always and Forever.' I knew that I cared deeply for the sleeping girl in my arms but I didn't know what to do about it. I had always seen love as a weakness, but Elijah has always said that love is where our strength comes from. I think, this time, I am going to heed my older brother's words. I can practically hear him now, saying that I never listen to him.
Of course that didn't help me with what I was supposed to do now that I had admitted and accepted to myself that I had feelings for the Little Wolf. I suppose that I will have time to figure it out along the way. 'Wake me up when we get there.' I tell Rebekah before I fall asleep, holding the Little Wolf in my arms.

A Wolf, A Hybrid and A Vampire- Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now