Chapter 9

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It was hours later that we arrived in Chicago a town that Stefan and Nik both knew very well, this is the place that they became brothers. Not that Stefan remembers that particular part of his time spent in the windy city way back when.
'Chicago during prohibition, I wish I could have seen it.' I comment wistfully.
'Remind me to show you sometime.' Nik says, tapping his temple. 'Chicago was magical, and the company was excellent.' He continued with a glance at Stefan.
'I'll take your word for it. I don't remember most of it.' Stefan commented.
'We are here to see my favourite witch. If anyone can help us with our hybrid problem, it's her.' Nik says as he continues to drive towards a bar called Gloria's where we all exit the vehicle and enter the building.
'Looks familiar doesn't it?' Nik asks Stefan who is looking around in awe.
'I can't believe this place is still here.' I hear footsteps and see a woman who smells like a witch walk into the room.
'You've got to be kidding me.' She says as she looks between the boys.
'So a hybrid walks into a bar, says to the bartender-' I cut Nik off.
'That she should stop listening to what is undoubtedly going to be a terrible joke.' I finish.
'Oh I like her.' The witch says, she turns to Stefan. 'I remember you.'
'Yeah, you're Gloria, shouldn't you be...' He trails off.
'Old and dead?' She supplies. 'Now if I die who's going to run this place?'
'She's a witch. Smells powerful too.' I add, she glances at me.
'I can slow the aging down some. Herbs and spells. But don't worry, it'll catch up to me someday.' She says. 'But you I'm interested in. Not many people can get that much from scent alone.'
'I can tell how old a vamp is, how powerful a witch, how many moons a wolf has experienced it's not hard, just takes practice.' I tell her. 'After you've had a chat with Nik, I have something I need your help with, I'll be over by the bar until then though. It's on his tab.' I point to Nik and head to the bar.
'Stefan why don't you join her and fix us some drinks.' Stefan follows my lead as I listen to the conversation between them.
'You look ravishing by the way.' He tells the witch.
'Don't. I know why you're here. A hybrid out to make more hybrids? That kinda news travels.'
'So what am I doing wrong? I broke the curse.' He asks.
'Obviously you did something wrong. Look, every spell has a loophole, but a curse that old, we'd have to contact the witch who created it.' She told him. I don't like the sound of that.
'Well, that would be the Original witch. She's very dead.' He states. Good riddance.
'I know. And for me to contact her, I'll need help. Bring me Rebekah.' This caused me to sit up in my seat.
'Rebekah.' He sighed. 'Rebekah is a bit preoccupied.' He tells her.
'She has what I need. Bring her to me.' Gloria informed him. Stefan found a photo of him and Nik and demanded to know what it was about. So I used the opportunity to speak to Gloria.
'So yesterday was the full moon and it affected me in a way that it never has before.' I tell her before glancing at the boys. 'Is there someplace I can talk to you without listening ears?' She nods and takes me through the back where she burns some sage and indicates that it is safe to talk.
I explain to her all the things that I was feeling yesterday, a little embarrassed at the lusty feelings I had felt. She seemed to understand though. 'This was your first moon since you turned eighteen, right?' I nod in response to this. 'This is a bit personal but it could explain things. Are you still a virgin?' She asks with a sympathetic smile, knowing it was an awkward question. I blush but nod again. 'Alright, so, this is actually pretty common among wolves. Once a female werewolf reaches eighteen, they are seen as sexually mature in the eyes of mother nature, so basically, in terms of nature, ready to have a child.' She looks at my wide eyes and puts a hand on my shoulder to soothe me. 'All it means is that on the full moon your sex drive is going to be turned up to like a hundred.'
'So I'm just going to want to have sex with any guy I see on the full moon?' But I only felt that way about Nik yesterday.
'Well, not exactly, it will only affect you with people you already have feelings for.' She enlightens. Oh my god.
'And this is forever?' I question and she shakes her head.
'No. This will go away once you're no longer a virgin.' She explains. I sit back in my chair and close my eyes. Great so either I go and have sex with someone, or I have to deal with this every full moon. Guess I'll be staying away from people on full moons now.
'Right. Okay. Thank you Gloria.' I rise from my seat and head straight for the bar, ignoring the looks from the boys as I grab a bottle of bourbon and pour myself a glass, throwing it back in one and then immediately going to pour another before a hand stops me from doing so.

A Wolf, A Hybrid and A Vampire- Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now