Chapter 10

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'I believe you told me not to let you drink again, Little Wolf.' Nik said as he took the bottle from my hand, setting it down out of my reach before turning to me. 'What's wrong?' He asked softly.
'Nothing.' I lied. I stared at my glass instead of looking at him.
'What did you say to her, Gloria?' He asked the witch.
'Look I ain't saying anything to you. If she wanted you to know she'd tell you. She asked me about a problem, I gave her an honest response. Nothing more, nothing less.' She informs the hybrid.
'I'm fine Nik. Let's go and wake up Bekah.' I say to him and walk out the bar, expecting the boys to follow behind me.
Once in the car Nik drives us to a warehouse where the coffins were being held. As we walked in Stefan was still asking about how he knew Nik but didn't know it whereas I was just being really quiet as I walked with my sketchbook in hand as I drew. While the boys talked I just sat on the floor near the coffins and continued to draw.
'I don't recognise her.' Stefan said as they looked inside the open coffin.
'Well don't tell her that. Rebekah's temper is worse than mine.' Nik tells him as he yanks the dagger from her chest. 'Time to wake up, little sister.' Nik said.
'I wouldn't hold your breath Nik, it took four hours for Lijah to wake up last time and he hadn't been daggered for nearly as long as she has.' I comment from the ground. 'Go, I'll wait for her to wake, I'd like some time alone anyway.' I look up at him.
'I don't want to leave you here alone, she'll be angry and hungry when she wakes.' He frowns.
'I can protect myself.' My eyes glow blue. 'Besides, I'm sure that there's a worker around here that you can compel.' I point out. 'Please Nik. I need time to think.' His eyes soften as he looks over my expression and he walks over to me, crouching down.
'Okay Little Wolf.' He hands me the dagger. 'Just in case. Be safe, I'll be back soon.' He places a kiss to my forehead, much like Elijah had a habit of doing and then he and Stefan were gone. I sighed and went to look at Bekah in her coffin.
'Guess it's just us girls.' I comment as I take her in. I flip to a new page in my book and begin to draw her as I imagined her awake, eyes sparkling as she smiled at the world around her, a strange naivety in her expression for someone who had lived a thousand years. Somehow I knew that it was true, she chose to see the best in the world, and it betrayed her, over and over. Yet she still believed, still hoped, still loved.
Once I had drawn her I moved back to my spot on the floor and started another drawing, this one of Gloria, the way she looked at Nik with such confidence, her aura screaming power. I sketched Nik in twenties style, holding a woman's wrist to his mouth as he drank her blood.
I drew for hours until I couldn't be bothered waiting anymore. I stood and walked over to Bekah in her coffin before I held the blade of the dagger so that it drew blood, dripping directly into her mouth as the greyness started to fade and she opened her eyes. She sat up and I took a step back waving forward the compelled man that Nik had left.
'Good you're awake. Nik left this guy as a snack for you.' She wasted no time, sinking her fangs into his neck and drinking him dry before she looked at me. 'I'm not on the menu, I'm just the wake up call, it was taking too long and it worked for Lijah so...' I shrugged. 'Oh, I'm Jamie by the way.' Bekah clambered out of the coffin, stepping over the body on the floor.

A Wolf, A Hybrid and A Vampire- Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now