Chapter 15

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'He killed him.' Matt says, stating the obvious.
'He's not dead, Klaus's blood will turn him into a vampire.' Elena states.
'And if Bonnie is successful, he'll live through his transition.' I say as I walk over to the doppelganger. 'Go on then. Go and fetch your grimoires, and enchantments and what-not. I'll hold on to Elena for safe-keeping.' I say as I grab her. Bonnie and Matt pause for a moment before running out of the gym.
'Stefan, why aren't you doing anything?' Elena asks. 'Oh my god he compelled you.
'He didn't have to, he's my brother, my best friend. He just helped me to remember where my true loyalties lie.' Stefan looked from me to Bekah and held his hand out to her. She happily took his hand and looked over Elena.
'So this is the latest doppelganger. The original one was much prettier, I don't know what you saw in her Stefan.' Rebekah comments.
'Ugh it's the curse of the Petrova doppelganger, to have brother fight against brother, I've had this discussion with Elijah, I mean all three have wreaked havoc.' Jamie states and I look at her sharply at her indirect mention of Tatia.
'Quite, I always did dislike the first one, played my brothers against each other like it was a game to her, I never saw the appeal myself.' Bekah replied.
'Enough, Rebekah, you and Stefan take the wolf boy elsewhere would you?' Bekah smirks as Stefan and her each take an arm and drag Tyler's body from the room. 'Just ignore her.' I tell Elena. 'Petty little thing.'
'Bekah is right Nik. And stop saying bad things about your sister, or I will hurt you.' Jamie comments with a glare and I lift my hands up in surrender, a smile on my face. She smiles too before wandering over to the bleachers and starting to draw.
'It's only sibling banter Love, you know that.' I call over to her and she responds without even looking up.
'I do but Bekah doesn't. She's a sensitive person and you tend to be cruel in your comments and not show your affection, she thinks that you hate her most of the time. Try being a little kinder, Nik. She needs to know that you love her because she just doesn't see it.' I looked to her, eyes wide, though I really shouldn't be surprised by what she says by now.
'I should hire you as a personal advisor, that way you could actually make money from all the good advice you give me.' I say as I walk over to her, knowing that the doppelganger wouldn't run, if she did I would catch her. I sit down next to her, watching her as she sketches.
'I don't mind giving it for free, so long as you actually pay attention and use it, learn from it. I don't just say it for the hell of it, Nik. I tell you all of it to help you, so that you can make better choices and decisions.' She glances up at me. 'Like for example, do not trust anything the Original witch tells you, she is most likely trying to hinder you as opposed to helping you.' I think about this for a second before nodding my head.
'That sounds like her.' I comment.
'Why are you helping him? Treating him like he's a person. He's a monster.' Elena says to Jamie whose head snaps up, glaring at the girl. Jamie moves so fast I almost missed it, and the next thing I know she is right up in Elena's face.
'He is no more a monster than I am, or Damon is, or your precious Stefan. He is simply someone who for a thousand years hasn't been able to be his true self, something you wouldn't even be able to comprehend, he has had to struggle within himself for the better part of a millenium, surrounded by ignorant people like you who paint him as a villain when all he is doing is playing the role he has been given.' She was practically spitting her words out and I was awed that she went this far to defend me. 'Nik is someone who would do anything for his family, even if it means hurting them or sacrificing his relationship with them, he was the one to get Stefan sober in the twenties, to teach him how to be in control of his vampirism but still accept what he is. He is the person who comforted me after I woke up screaming, after dreaming about the night my world ended and I became a murderer.' Her eyes were flashing blue and her breaths were getting heavy, so I started moving towards her. 'The person who promised to scare the dreams away, and protect me from the person I fear the most. Nik is the person who makes me feel even remotely okay about the fact that I have spilled the blood of people who were family.' She was crying now and I quickly caught her body as she stumbled. She turned her head, burying it into my chest as she cried.
'Hush Little Wolf, it's all going to be okay.' I glanced up to see the shocked eyes of the doppelganger. 'Rebekah!' I called out, knowing that she'd be listening. Not even a minute later she was there, glancing at Jamie with concern. 'Watch Elena, I need to take Jamie out of here for a moment.' I stroked my hand through Jamie's hair to soothe her.
'Make sure she's okay Nik, I'll watch the wench.' I nodded my thanks and picked up my Little Wolf before speeding out and into an empty classroom where I sat her down on a desk, still keeping a tight grip on her.

A Wolf, A Hybrid and A Vampire- Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now