Chapter 17

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Jamie's P.O.V.
When I got home I let out a sigh, happy to be back. It's not that I didn't enjoy our road trip, I did. I was just happy to get back to my own house, my own bed. It was something stable, and with how my emotions had been lately I think stable is exactly what I need. I used the spare key, as all my things were still in the car at the school. I gave the house a quick once over, cleaning up the dust that had gathered from the house sitting empty for two months or so. After the house felt a little more lived in I collapsed on the couch, closing my eyes.
I couldn't believe how emotional I had been. I'm never usually so worked up but the combination of what I had learned about the full moon and that horribly vivid nightmare my emotions were a complete mess. I was worried about what to do about my werewolf problem, I wasn't the type of person who could hook up with some random guy to solve the issue. But it also made me realise just how much I actually liked Nik, I knew I was attracted to him, but I hadn't quite realised how deep it went until Gloria had explained everything to me. I cared for Nik, and I liked the way he was around me, he was protective of me, and he could be incredibly sweet as well. He didn't judge me for who I was and what I had done and he let me fight my battles, fighting them alongside me when it was needed.
But I was also terrified at the thought of Markus coming for me. I knew that he was coming, it was something that I just knew, I didn't know how but he was definitely coming for me, he was going to try and kill me. So now I was in a constant state of panic, at the back of my mind there was the thought that he could be coming right now and all my senses were on high alert, as though expecting an attack any minute. It was strange, I only felt that way once I had left Nik's side, before I was nervous, yes, but nowhere near this on edge. I always felt completely safe in his presence.
I knew that there was no way that I was going to be able to stay sitting around until I heard from Nik, I was way to wound up for that so I made my way to my room. When I got there I changed into some work out clothes before re tying my hair into a tight ponytail and then braiding it. Once I was suitably prepared I went down into the basement of the house which had been set up as gym space for whenever I was feeling antsy and didn't feel like going for a run.
I went straight to the corner that had a punching bag suspended from the ceiling by a chain. I didn't bother to wrap my hands, knowing that if I did any damage it would heal quickly enough. I just started to hit it, throwing combinations and adding in kicks every once in a while. I didn't even notice the time passing, simply using all the tension and nerves in my body and turning it into power, letting it all go.
The only sounds were my own harsh breathing and the thud of my hands coming into contact with the bag. All of a sudden I spun around, throwing a punch at whoever it was I sensed behind me, only to find my fist caught by a wide eyed Nik.
'It's me Little Wolf. How long have you been doing this? Your hands are wrecked.' At his words I glance down to see that indeed my hands did look awful. Torn up was an apt description. I gently tug my hands from his and walk to the sink in the corner of the room, rinsing my hands under the water, ignoring the stinging pain it caused.
'They'll heal. I needed to do something, I was on edge the minute I left the school. Speaking of, how did it all go?' I had cleaned the blood from my hands and was simply waiting on them fully healing. I looked over at him, feeling calmer now that he was here but noticed that he looked a little panicked.
'Damon knows Mikael's location. He says that he will bring him here, that it's his leverage. Other than that lovely piece of information, Tyler is now a hybrid, as it turns out you were right, Esther said to kill the doppelganger when in fact her blood is the key to making hybrids. I have since removed some of that blood and plan to leave tonight to build my army and flee before they summon Mikael.' I could tell that he was worried about this sudden mention of Mikael.
'I swear I am going to kick Damon's ass.' I comment, moving back across to him. 'Right after I kill your dad for being the world's worst person as well as it's biggest idiot.' I tell him with a soft smile.
'An idiot?' He smiles back.
'For not appreciating you when he had you.' I inform him. 'When do we leave then?' I ask. He looks completely startled by this. 'You didn't think that you were leaving me behind did you? I'm afraid that you are stuck with me.' I didn't tell him that part of that was because I only feel safe when I'm with him.
'RIght. Of course.' He shook his head. 'We leave as soon as you are ready to go, unless you wish to spend the night?' He said.
'I don't need to spend the night, but I do need to talk with Rebekah and I'm not entirely sure how long it will take. If I call her here could you be elsewhere for a while?' I ask, feeling slightly bad for basically kicking him out.
'I'm sure I can find something to occupy my time, perhaps I'll go for a run.' He agrees with a smile.
'Thank you. I'll call Bekah and go for a shower, feel free to leave your clothes out back or on the porch, either works for me. But try not to give the neighbours a show, I don't need them asking why there's a naked man at my door.' I tell him as I head up the stairs before adding. 'Again.'

A Wolf, A Hybrid and A Vampire- Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now