Chapter 12: The Silent Storm

Start from the beginning

"The Patrols are gone. Now's our Chance! Let's go inside!" I told her. She nodded as she placed her bow back into her inventory and pulled out her diamond sword

"Okay" she replied as we opened the Town's gate as quietly as we can

We entered the Gate to the town. Beacontown is really messed up now. Lots of Building were wrecked and many Beacontowners were Injured and taken prisoner by these Soldiers, but I didn't see Jesse or the others. Those Soldiers are way too many for us to fight head on, we need Jesse and the order of the stone. another question is: How did all of this happen? I snapped back from my thought when I heard a footstep nearby

We quickly hide behind a remnant of a wrecked building to avoid getting caught. We waited and then there are two soldiers walked passing the remnant where we were hiding. But from the looks of these troops they're different from those we fought at the gate, they're wearing some sort of black hat instead of a helmet like the rest of the other soldiers wore. My guess is that these two are some sort of Commanders or Elites

"Wir müssen die Gefangenen morgen hinrichten! Das ist ein Befehl eines hohen Kommandanten" the first officer said to his fellow officer

"roger das, wir werden die Ausführung vorbereiten" the second officer said

We waited until they're gone. When they're gone, Xara and i ran as quickly and sneaky as we can through the town and finally found the Concentration camp to find Jesse and His Friends. It was heavily guarded by those soldiers but to no avail, we didn't see Jesse or any of his friends inside or outside the Concentration camp. As we went further through the town to search for them while hiding ourselves in the shadows, Our stamina begin to falter. So we decided to hide inside a wrecked building to regain our strength and reduce our tiredness

"Where are they?" I questioned

Xara shrugged "I dunno, maybe they run away?" I said

"No, they will not just run away like that when their People are in danger" i said "Hmm" my thought got distracted when I noticed a building that wasn't damaged or wrecked in the Badluck Alley, Jack's Adventure Emporium. Its not even wrecked or patrolled by the Soldiers. There's a slight possibility they are hiding in there

"Hey, Xara! Let's head there! I think that's probably where Jesse and the gang are hiding" i said, pointing towards Jack's place

Xara gave me a questioning look before looking at the direction I pointed at "You sure?"

"Yeah, why not. Maybe they hide inside Jack's shop because it's not patrolled by those soldiers. Planning something big probably" i hypothesized

"Okay then" Xara said as we quietly make our way towards Jack's Shop. We got inside Jack's Shop after we successfully sneaked through the remnants of wrecked buildings around the Alley. When we entered the building, Inside, there's lot of Adventure stuff and treasures with beautiful paintings on the wall. Jack and Nurm are surely Collectors aren't they? We looked around for a while, but we did not found anyone or anything that might lead to them in here. Hmmm, where are they?

"Argh! Where are they!?" Xara whispered in frustration

"Not sure, but I'm certain that they're somewhere around here" I whispered to her

We keep looking for anything that might lead us to them. Then, just for about a few seconds later, I noticed something that makes me really curious: a hidden iron trapdoor behind the emporium counter. Maybe they were all inside a room inside that Iron Trapdoor. Well, only one way to find our

"Xara! Look over here!" I called her while walking towards the trapdoor

"You think they were all down there?" Xara asked me from behind, looking at the iron trapdoor