Chapter 11: Actions Speaks Louder than Words

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Hello everyone! Everyone well? Good! Because it's finally the moment that all of you have been waiting for!

Operation: Lovey-Dovey Date FINAL CHAPTER!

Just to be sure that I am not bringing up any hopes for some of you, I am not planning to make another sequel after this story is over. Done. Period. As disappointing it might be I would like to remind you all that there will be other stories in the future that may help "entertain" you a bit more than this.

Don't worry! I'll always find the time for you~ My favorite supporters. *wink*

Thank you to those who have been considerably patient with me, and I would like to give it up for being....quite persistent.

Let's give it up for @priyagunness AKA Baby Richa!

*clap clap clap* (^-^)

Without further ado, let this story....COMMENCE!

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"If you're so confident in your prediction, then let see if you win against me."


With that one, the trap is finally done.

"Kokurana, its game time."

Game: Start!


"The rule is simple."

A table suddenly appeared in front of them. Kokurano could only watch in befuddlement as Yami made his way towards the table before pulling out a chair for himself.

"What are you waiting for? Take a seat." Yami said with his unmistakable charming smile. Somehow, it doesn't fit well with Kokurano.

Kokurano narrowed his eyes in suspicions before he took his seat. He didn't question where this boy in front of him came from, but he knew one thing for sure.

He's not an average human.

Yami gave him a look that held so much intensity it almost made Kokurano squirmish a bit as Yami continues to explain the rule.

"I assume that you know the basic of playing poker cards?"


"Good. That gives me more time to explain the rest of the rules."

Yami took hold of the box that contains the cards. Once open, he began shuffling.

"Each of us will hold thirteen cards in our hand while the rest are thrown away. The point of this game is that one of us must get rid of all of our cards before the others do. To do so, we lay our cards one by one after the other from least to the greatest number. Two is the highest."

"Okay, but I still don't understand how this game will prove myself otherwise."

"Of course it will. You say so yourself, correct? The point of this game is that one of us have to get rid of all of our cards to win. To do so, both of us have to predict which card that our opponent will play and overcome them in numbers. Let say this, for example, I place a three, and you placed a ten. Obviously, ten is higher than three. But what if I was able to place 2 Jacks and you have no King, Queen, Ace, or a two to beat my number?"

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