Chapter 9: The Heart of Darkness

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 Warning: Grammar and typo mistakes may be detected.  

Yahoo! I'm alive! Yes! *phew* Ten thousand years of tutor and torture can seriously make you feel like you want to die. Maybe. Anyhow! Today's month would be.....JUNE!? What!? I can't believe this! I've been asleep for 4 months already!? *shiver* M-Maybe I should have gone back to bed again. 

Anyway, here's my chapter which is dedicated to @ggofootball for having the soul and heart to wake me up from my slumber. *sigh happily* Such love from my one and unique fan~ Thank you so much! And for your bravery and happily loved support, I, Moonlight, have dedicated my gratitude through this tale. 

May this gift bring you happiness @ggofootball. Also known as, Shawn lin. 

*Sorry for the sudden drama. I'm just in a state of happiness right now and that I apologize in advance if this made you cringe* 

Let the story commence! 


Fun-Fun Quote from Yugi Mutou!

Yugi: Hmmm...What was the term that Joey would always use? Kick butt until the fall? No, wait. I think it has something to do with "I'm bad, you know it. I'm bad, I'll show it."?

Joey: Oh yeah, my boy is growing up so fast. *tears of joy*

Now, let's get back to the story!




"Ya do realize that the back entrance is locked right?"

"Give me a minute."

Yami kneels down to get a better view of the keyhole inside the twist door knob. Analyzing its structure, Yami gave a satisfying sound before taking out a bobby pin from his pocket.

"Since when do ya carry hairpins?"

"Since the day you lock me out of my own dorm room."

"Oh.....still don't like that huh?"

"Shut up."

Hearing that Joey's comments are making Yami irritated, he smartly zip is mouth from further interruption. After a minute or two, Yami gave a successful sigh when he was able to pick the lock and open the door.


"Alright, remember to follow me and don't let the culprit see both of us okay? Until we find a way to free the other civilians, we need to stay quiet."

"I got ya back Yami."

Joey gave a thumb up before both of them silently enters and find themselves in the kitchen. No one was around so Yami suspected that they were forced to go up front so that the murderer can keep an eye on them and the others.

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