Chapter 3: G. R. A. N. D. P. A.

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Saturday: April 11 8:30am

Spring Break: Start

"Let's swim trunk.....towel....hats.....hmmmm~. What else?"

I tried thinking other things that I should bring, before deciding to make some sandwiches if one of us start to go hungry. After I finished making the sandwiches, I packed them in my duffle bag before checking the time.

"It's already 9:00am..........I think its best if we get to the park as soon as possible before the line gets too long."

I took the duffle bag off my bed before locking my dorm door. I put my hand in my pocket to take out a piece of paper that has Yugi's written address on it.

1948 Opel St. Domino City 97231

'Hmmmm~ It's not really that far at all. Alright.'

I began walking to the front gate to exit the school ground.

Unaware that someone is stalking me.

(Yami: I have a pretty good feeling of who that 'stalker' is.😓)

*Time Skip: 15 minutes*

I was able to enjoy the scenery while I walk along the streets that I wasn't able to have time to see. Luckily I didn't have to worry about any homework (Chapter 2) and that Spring Break has already given me the opportunity to spend time with Yugi-sensei.

I remember Joey's words clearly in my head as I replayed it again.

Joey sighs in my lack of romantic before he stares down at me and deathly said, "You're going to do more than go on a date."


"You're going to confess your love."


I sigh in exasperation.

'For Ra's sake, how did I ever got Joey to talk me into this!? Better yet, how did he even got involved in my love life anyway?'

I continue on through the streets before I finally found myself at a game shop called, "Kame Game".

'Hm? That's weird. Did I accidently turn the wrong corner?'

I expected Yugi's address will lead me to Yugi's apartment or a house that he rented to live in. I turn around to get back to where I started before my eyes landed on the windows. Duel Monsters cards, most of them rare, are now out on display. I smiled when I saw students of Domino Elementary chatting together before entering the shop. One of them ran up to the counter before yelling out towards someone from the back. An employee.

I decided to check out the place, so when I open the door-I was shocked at the person who had come out from the back and is now smiling cheerfully at the kids before greeting them.

"Hello. Welcome to Kame Game Shop! How may I help you?"

"Do you have any strong cards? Like dragons? I love dragons!"

"Of course! Please wait a minute for me to bring the-"

Yugi's eyes met mine and hold it there in surprised before he blushed.


"Good morning, Yugi........sensei."

The conversation ended there as we both stood in awkward silent. The kids looking back and forth at us in curiosity. Especially, why Yugi is blushing so badly in front of mine?

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