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I was perched on the branch of a tree the conversation with Kakashi a couple weeks agao still swirling around my head.

"Akai? What is your position?" Sakura snapped at me, bringing my attention back to the mission.

"U-uh, North of the target, prepared for excection" I reported, tuning out the worry that was pressing against my chest, and cleared my head to focus on the mission.

I leaped forward at the same time as everyone else, and immediately started laughing when I saw the cat Tora, ripping into Naruto's face. Everyone stopped and stared at me, Kakashi had a small smile under his mask. I covered  my mouth, to surpass my laughs.

IT'S LIKE ONCE YOU LET THE GATE OPEN, YOU CAN'T CLOSE IT, YOUR OLD PERSONALITY IS SHOWING. The voice observed, I quickly wiped emotion from my face. I cleared my throat and pulled out the report file.

"Mission accomplished at 2:20 pm. Target acquired by Naruto Uzamaki from Squad 7." I wrote in the box under the picture from the poor cat.

"Why does Naruto get the credit from the mission?!" Sakura complained, crossing her arms and staring me down, I barely wavered at her pathetic attempt at intimidation. "If he gets the credit that means he gets paid more." Sakura whined, which wasn't working in her favor, even though she was a good four inches taller then me, my voice held more power then hers.

"Naruto acquired the target, as well as attained the wounds from holding the rabid animal, Naruto lives on his own while you live a perfectly stable life with your family, do you REALLY need just a couple more yen?" I raised an eyebrow, my anger made my voice almost a growl.

The pinkette deflated at my words, "Fine whatever." She grumbled and walked away, "Lets get this kitty back to its owner."

I side-glanced Naruto while closing the file and sticking it back in my pack. He was smiling ear to ear at me despite the clawing beast in his arms.

"Do you need me to take h-" before I could even finish the animal hissed at me and practically glared at me. 

"I think it hates you more then it hates me." Naruto laughed, while I forced myself to laugh.

"Ha ha, yeah I guess you better keep him." I began following Sakura and Sasuke down the trail to the city.

"Does the fact you're part wolf have anything to do with that feline hating you so much?" Kakashi whispered in my ear.

"All animals take a disliking to me since I'm a predator." I shrugged, since I couldn't really do much about my genetics, even though I'm slightly saddened by the fact I can never have a pet cat or anything of the sorts.

"Ah, thats interesting..." He mumbled and opened a tiny notebook and scribbled down something.

"Whats that?" I lean up trying to see.

"Lord Hokage wanted me to record all of your powers, abilities, and any effects your bloodline has." Kakashi informed while tucking away the notebook and sighing. "As much as it pains me to observe you like a project gone wrong, and this only proves my point more about Konoha trying to use you as their number one weapon."

"Well its good you've informed me instead of stalking me like a pedo. But what made them decide that? Like why me? and not Naruto, Sasuke, or even Hinata? Shes the heir to the Hyuga clan..I'm the youngest of the Uchiha, I wasn't even going to take over that was the oldest male. I'm not even going to inherit the sharingan, females never develop the gene never in history." I whispered, watching the other 3, Naruto was yelling at Sasuke as usual and Sakura was yelling at Naruto. 

"Well, you're a girl, they probably wanted you to pass down your liege since the children take after the mother more then the father. Especially in Guardians and Moroi's."

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