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~ok so this story is sorta a start over from my other one I decided to scrap it bc what I was writing b4 just wasn't workin for me so this is the new one ill be skipping a lot bc frankly u guys know wat happens and ill try to sorta follow the plot line but I doubt it so here it is the new and hopefully improved fanfic~

Long ago in the Land of Fire, war rang through the lands. Even in peace shinobi have to fight behind the scenes to protect their nation and people, risking their lives every day. In the Hidden Leaf Village a new generation of ninjas train and risk their lives in the field to become the hero of tomorrow, but for Akai Hanna and Naruto Uzumaki it's more than becoming a hero even more then working hard to one day earn the title of Hokage. Its to become accepted and loved by friends and one day have a family that they were deprived off.


 "Hurry! Don't let them get any closer to the Village!" cried a shinobi.

The Nine Tails Fox, Kyuubi roared and it's tails whipping everywhere, slicing through trees and crushing shinobis.

"Wait until the Fourth Hokage gets here!" another brave warrior shouted.

It was a time of war when nations would find any possible advantage, such as letting the 9 Tails and its brethren, the 10 tailed Wolf, Juubi, attack our village. But a great shinobi known as the Fourth Hokage knew a special jutsu and sacrificed his life to seal the Kyuubi in a newborn baby Naruto Uzumaki, and the Juubi in a infant girl Akai Uchiha, merely 3 and a half months old.

While they share the same fate, they were born in 2 different clans, so different yet so similar. Akai is the only Uchiha daughter, of Fugaku Uchiha and his wife Mikoto Uchiha, she is the younger twin of Sasuke Uchiha. She was shunned by her father, him ashamed of her being a jinjuriki and of course there had never been a girl born into the main family, it was unheard of. Out of everyone else in her clan, her mother and older brother Itachi Uchiha were the only ones from her clan who mourned her departure, only the main family and the midwife knew of Akai's existence, and Fugaku was adamant on keeping it that way, all the way up to the day he died. Akai knew her clan's name and her clan's history, but she told no one in fear of being isolated more and receiving punishment from her father. All she told people was that she was abandoned the day she was born, and that her last name was Hanna. 


 Akai was the dark, quiet, isolated girl in her class with not many friends, and the few that she had she kept them at arm's length. She spent most of her Academy days sitting alone, passing every test with flying colors and hardest Physical Test and Jutsu barely breaking a sweat, as if she were inconvenienced to be in the Academy.

Naruto on the other hand was a loud, obnoxious,  a spunky wild child, and the class clown. Always playing pranks, planning new ones, and creating perverted Jutsus, which was annoying the living hell out of Akai their entire academy days.

Akai excelled in Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and Genjutsu, but failed in Cooperation, Positivity, and Classroom Attitude. The teacher's comments usually were: Terrifyingly Excellent in her ninja skills but is terribly lacking in communicating with her peers. She usually just sits and looks out the window; I don't know how she passes each and every one of my test.

Where as Naruto failed everything besides Positivity and Taijutsu. His teacher's comments were filled with complaints of all the troubles he's caused in class.

Finally the day came for the newly graduated students, surprisingly including Naruto, to meet their new Senseis. It was teams of 4 including senseis, but now with Naruto a part of the graduating class, there will be a single team of 5.

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