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Promises! Easy to make but believe me hell hard to fulfill. Everyone makes promises..i did to and i still do...the only difference is that only a few keep up to them and barely any not break them.
Thats how we humans work..probably its how the whole world works.
"All homo sapiens think alike beacause they use that brain up in their heads to do stuff thats needless at times" sad but true. You cant do anything about it now..can u?. We r one among them too afterall.
But amidst all these whirlwinds of chaos and entanglement we survive. We fight ,we break but we fix ourselves and each other and we grow. Beautiful isnt it? The same homo sapiens who can hate relentlessly can also love deeply.! Even in times of misery we always find smthing that keep us going till the very end. And believe it or not...it gives us immense HAPPINESS!
We cherish it for the rest of our lives and it gives us the pleasure that fuels our hearts to remain soft and pure.
"Change is beautiful"-thats what everyone says. I believe it,its true. But its up to us to make the change good.
Sometimes, certain moments of joy with our loved ones remind us how much more we have around us to discover ,to cherish and to live for.
Sucks, we are so much into our own miserable lives that we close our eyes and immune ourselves to all that this world has to offer. Our loss.
Happiness is when u can smile freely and laugh carelessly without people judging u for how good u actually are and how much better u can be. Thats how we should be living instead of freaking over needless drama.
People come, people go. They leave memories and marks..and when they go they take away a part of you with them...but its okay,the give and take is a natural process of life😉. We'll heal eventually.
Our happiness lies in our own hands...we just have to make it run in our blood now!😉😉

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