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Do I..? Do I not..? Can I....?...No, I can't...But I want to.... What if it doesn't work out?...What if it does?...
It makes me anxious....and insane...and irritated.
Why am I like this?Why?
I can't think straight.....everythings jumbled brain heart.
I keep getting lost in the labyrinth of my feelings and the thoughts whirling around in my head.
I'm confused..and I don't know why. I wish someone could tell me why ..or help me figure it out...But I don't know how to explain it to them..
Why is this so hard?...I can''s hurting me...And I'm hurting others. I don't want to do this...I want to clear it away.....
But I'm lost and I can't seem to find a way out of this...mess.
Can I stop?....And just stay quiet, so that I can listen to the faint unheard sounds ..?
I want to stop......
I do hear a voice, from really afar....from deep within me...
I listen to it...though it's faint..But what matters is that it's there.
The knots in my head loosen a little bit...the fog clears off a bit...but it doesn't go away.
I want to listen to the voice....But I know it can't happen...and still somewhere within , it comforts me....because it's there!
I'm still confused though....But this time the storm has settled's calm ...and quiet ...and lonely.
But it leaves sort things out...

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