Chapter 9: In Mortal Peril

Start from the beginning

"Halt dor!" One of those soldiers shouted at us. Then he turned to his man and said "Es sind sie! erschieße sie und keine Gnade!" this one Soldier, i think he's the leader of this troops

"Verstanden, Truppführer!" The other troops replied without haste to what I assume as their order from their leader. The dark armored soldiers quickly pulled out another weapons of theirs which were axes, but these axes are not ordinary wood chopping tool that could also be used as a weapon. But these particular axes were specially designed for combat. It was big, with black color and red stripes on the metallic part, and it has like some sort of 3 thorns on them. Those are some scary looking battle axe I've ever seen in my life

"Oh crap" Petra muttered as we quickly pulled out our own weapons, ready to fight them off. I pulled out my enchanted Diamond sword, My sister pulled out her longbow, Petra pulled out her 'Miss Butter' enchanted golden sword, Lukas pulled out his Crossbow, Jack pulled out his dual enchanted Diamond sword, and Ivor pulled out his Diamond Katana in one hand and some harmness potions in his other hand

"Für die herrlichen tausend jahre Reich!" the soldiers war cried as they begin their move to attack

"Prepare yourself guys! This is going to get nasty" i said raising and brandishing my sword, ready to fight. Everyone just nodded which mean they're ready to fight. The good thing is that not all 100 hundred troops went for us because they were all scattered around the town that left us to deal with 20 soldiers. 5 soldiers went for me, 5 others went for Lukas and my sister, 4 others went for Petra, and the last 6 soldiers went for Jack and Ivor

(With Jesse)

Five of them are coming for me by charging towards me with their axe. One of them started attacking me alone while the others are still on their way. I quickly dodged his attack that makes him to run past me. But that's when the other soldiers are coming from the either side, So to compromise with this, i used spin slash by spinning my swords in rhythm. I killed two of them spin slash before they could even try landing a hit or slash with their axes. There are three soldiers left now, one of them pulled out his gun, the same people that John and his people have and started to aim at me, he 'fired' at me while the other troops are coming for me. I dodged all the shots by deflecting and doing acrobatic evasive moves. When the shooter stopped firing, One of the approaching soldiers clashed his axe against me. We swiftly clanged our blades against each others for not long until I finally managed to broke his defenses bu slamming his axe down with my sword and quickly thrust my sword into his chest before he could raise his axe again. Then I could feel the last approaching soldier is behind me. So before he could strike, I quickly acted and knocked him out by punching his head swiftly, landing hard and unconscious on the ground. Now it's only the shooter. He still tried to get me by shooting small metallic deadly projectiles, but I managed to dodge all of his shots until he finally stopped shooting and slammed his gun nearby. I guess he ran out of 'ammunition'

"Urgh, I'll kill you Imbecile" the soldier sneered at me as he brandished his battle axe before charging at me. I smiled at this, knowing what I must do

"Oh, i don't think so" i said, raising my sword in a defensive stance. Within seconds, his battle axe and my enchanted diamond sword clashed together. We clanged our blades against each other, trying to find each others weakness before taking each other out. I studied his movements and He seems to be focused on attacking me straight with his axe that he neglected what's below him. So, i quickly kicked his leg real hard and he yelped before dropping his axe and holding his leg in pain

"Argh!!!" I decided to at least spare his live and just knocked him out him with the blunt part of my Sword as he dropped on the ground, completely unconscious