part 13

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Adrien woke up once again on an air bed in Marinette's room. Marinette wasn't there.

He stood up and rubbed his eyes, then got changed.

As he stepped down the stairs, a warm, delicious smell wafted towards him: bacon!!!
He ran the rest of the way and greeted Marinette with a hug from behind, as she was turning the bacon over with a spatula.

"Ahhh!", she squealed, then,"oh, It's just you."

Adrien laughed.
"It's 7 o clock! How can you cook this early?"

Marinette smiled and put the bacon on two plates with a piece of warm toast.
"Baked beans are in the microwave", she said,"hurry because we have 20 minutes to get ready for school."

They sat down together and ate breakfast.
"When do your parents come home?", asked Adrien.

"This afternoon, while we're at school.", she said in reply.

He nodded.
"This is delicious!"

"It's only bacon", said Marinette.

They got ready for school and managed to get there on time, thankfully. They stood in front of the school gates.

"Neither of us has been in school for a good few days", said Marinette worridly, "Will people be worried?"

"Nah. It's only been a few days. No ones going to stress it", he said, shrugging his shoulders.

He took her hand, making her blush.
"It feels weird, doesn't it. Going to school normally after such a crazy weekend...", said Adrien.
Despite her nervousness, Marinette squeezed his hand back.
"We'll be fine", she replied. It was only school, after all.

They walked into the classroom.

Marinette hastily sat in her seat, greeted by a number of stares.
Why are people staring at me?, she thought, shrinking onto her bench.

She flipped through her textbook, nervous, not meeting anyone's gaze, yet fully aware of it all the same. Alya tapped her shoulder.

"Why are you so nervous?", she asked.
"People are looking at meeeee...", whispered Marinette, glancing discreetly at her classmates.
"Ohhhh yeah. I forgot to tell you, Chloe has been spreading false rumours about you and Adrien.", said Alya sympathetically.
Marinette sighed. That was such a Chloe thing to do. She stood up unexpectedly and strolled over to Chloe's desk, whistling, earning her more stares than ever.

Out of the corner of her eye, Adrien was looking at her quizzically, oblivious to the people staring at him. Marinette gave him a subtle smile. She had decided not to feel nervous at this moment in time.

"Ahem", she hinted when she got to the desk.

"Oh it's Maritrash. How are you?", smirked Chloe.

"I'm fine thanks. I was just wondering what you said about me and Adrien. Care to elaborate?", said Marinette loud enough for the class to hear.

"Isn't 'elaborate' a very long and complicated word for someone so dumb? Did you rehearse this speech or something?", Chloe came back sharply, making Marinette scowl.
"No, of course not. Get to the point. What did you say?", hissed Marinette.
"Oh, nothing really, just this and that", breezed Chloe, studying her nails, which were, to marrinette's dismay, very sharp for some reason.
"Just that.... you were, how to say it, damaging private property over the weekend! (Adrien's house to be exact)", finished Chloe triumphantly.
Marinette slapped her hand on her forehead, exasperated.
"Is that really all you've got, Chloe?", asked Marinette, giving a sigh of relief that it wasn't anything worse. She sat back down just as the teacher walked in and they all continued school.
"I knew you could handle it!", whispered Alya happily.
Marinette nodded.
"Hey, Alya, are you annoyed at what happened yesterday?", asked Marinette, remembering when (according to Adrien) Alya had stormed out of her house because Adrien and Marinette didn't want to tell her the story about hawkmoth stealing the miraculous.

Alya shook her head.
"Of course I'm not mad! But i still want to know what's been going on with you and Adrien", said Alya.

Marinette sighed.
"I'm so sorry but I really cannot tell you.", she huffed.
"Why, were you two doing something naughty?", Alya teased.
"No, nothing like that...", Marinette replied angrily.
"It's something you probably wouldn't believe-"
She was cut off by a loud sob.
Chloe was standing up, crying. She ran out of the classroom.

"What was that about?", muttered Marinette, unimpressed by the wails that people mistook for crying.

Adrien was also standing up, red faced and sheepish with several eyes on him.
"Adrien, what did you say to her?", asked Marinette, crossing her arms.
"I-I'm sorry. I might have gone a bit too far", he replied guiltily.
Marinette took his arm and dragged him outside the classroom.
It was nice and quiet with no one listening in and whispering about them.
"What did you say?", asked Marinette slightly worried.
"Chloe asked me if I hated you for damaging my house so i said that actually, my house is perfectly fine and I am, in fact, dating you rather than someone who lies and frames other people out of jealousy", Adrien finished. Marinette gave a small laugh.
"I do feel sorry for her, however, it doesn't change the fact that she got what she deserved. But, Adrien, we're not officially dating, are we?", said Marinette teasingly.
Adrien laughed.
"I'll ask you out after school, ok?", he said,"promise."

Marinette smiled, blushing at the thought.
"Really?!", she asked in surprise.
Adrien nodded.
"But first, I just have to do one thing. Follow me."

Marinette obliged, intrigued as to where he was taking her but happily followed, Adrien holding onto her hand.
He led her outside the school, both of them completely forgetting that lessons were still in progress, and took her to the park.
He gave her a sly grin before stepping into a secluded clump of dense trees. Marinette stepped in after him.
The trees blocked out the sounds of Paris and apart from the small gap they had entered in, there was no other way of looking out. Marinette had no idea that this small ring of trees even existed.
"Why are we here?", she whispered, not wanting to disrupt the new silence.
Adrien put his finger to his lips to quieten her before closing her eyelids. Marinette was startled by this sudden intimacy but went with it, her other senses compensating for her loss of sight.

Adrien lifted her chin. He slowly leaned towards her, his lips brushing against hers, making her heart flutter and her shoulders lift to reach his height, anticipating the contact she knew was coming.
At the last moment, Adrien pulled back and Marinette's eyelids snapped open in disappointment, only to be responded with a passionate kiss as he leaned in again, quicker and more eager.
Adrien dominated the kiss, pulling Marinette closer than she thought possible and moving his lips against hers smoothly and passionately. Closing her eyes, Marinette returned the kiss, overwhelmed by the grace and love behind his movements.

He deepened the kiss, taking her bottom lip into his mouth and she gave him the authority, utterly consumed by their closeness and he gently pushed her against a tree, adding pressure while never letting her go.
Marinette moved her lips at a faster pace as her back pressed against the hard, cool wood and Adrien responded by forcing her mouth open and running his tounge over her teeth, causing her face to heat up, obsessed with this new side of Adrien that she had never seen before.
Slowly, they came down from their high, their lips pressed together still, their eyes closed.
Marinette opened hers first and then so did Adrien, pulling away and panting slightly.

Marinette pouted.
"That should have lasted longer", she whispered.
Adrien smiled, giving her a light peck on her lips.
"We can take our time, after all, we're hopelessly in love, aren't we?", he whispered back fondly, making her giggle.
"Very true, Adrien", she replied,"but what about making something official, hmm?", she said expectantly.
Adrien smiled.
"Of course. My lady, will you marry me?", he said in all seriousness.
"I think it's a bit early for that but I'll settle for girlfriend", giggled Marinette, pressing her head against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her waist and nodded, laughing himself.
"Why not. I mean it was practically official anyway", said Adrien matter-of-factly, earning himself a punch on the arm.

"We've only started dating, mister, so don't think you can get away with teasing me like that.", she warned jokingly.
"Otherwise I might just kiss you to show how much this means to me."

Adrien smiled.
"I know, Mari. Me too."

The End

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