part 7

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Adrien paled. He wasnt even thinking about whoever was trapped inside hawkmoth's lair. All he could think about was that his dad was hawkmoth.
His own dad was hawkmoth.
Adrien stormed out of his room, looking for his father. He passed Natalie who looked at him in surprise. He passed gorilla who was there to tell him that his break was over. He passed them all, not bothering to glance at anything.

Adrien shoved the door to his fathers office open and banged his fist on the table hard.

His father looked over the rim of his spectacles.
"What now Adrie-" he started to say.

"SHUT UP!! DONT SAY MY NAME!!" Adrien hollered, tears streaming down his face.

"Why ever not? You're my son." Said Gabriel, frowning.

"I'm not your son!" Cried Adrien.

Gabriel frowned.
"Yes you are my son. My wife gave birth to you" He said.

Adrien shouted.

"Adrien snap out of it. This is preposterous." His father said calmly.
"NO IT ISN-" Adrien started to shout but his father cut him off.

"Do you want me to get Natalie to bring you back to your bedroom so you can cool down a bit?" Gabriel said patronisingly.

Adrien breathed heavily.
"Why do you do it, Mr Agreste?"

"Son, i don't understand. Do what exactly?" His father replied.

"YOU KNOW WHAT!!!" Adrien shouted. "You know exactly what you are." He said more quietly this time.
"I truthfully have no idea what you are talking about and I think you need to learn some respect. Go to your room and calm down." Gabriel said angrily.

Adrien laughed. But he didn't find anything funny.
"I told you I'm disowning you. You can't tell me what to do, Hawkmoth" His expression changed to one of hatred. "You never cared about me. Not enough to make my life happy. And this- I can't forgive. Never."

"I see. So you found out" Said Gabriel with a hint of sadness in his voice.
"Adrien, i think we need to talk"

"No. There is nothing you can tell me to change my mind." Adrien said with hatred in his voice. He started walking out.

"WAIT!!! I did it for your mother! I can bring her back!!" Gabriel cried desperately.

Adrien stopped in his tracks. He slowly swiveled round.
"Mother is DEAD!!" He practically screamed. "Dont you dare use her as an excuse to do what you are doing."

Adrien turned back round and carried on walking out.
"Wait, please." Gabriel croaked.
"Please, my son... don't leave me.."
Adrien walked out without turning back. He walked out of the mansion, through the gates.

He walked onto the streets, into the big wide world, Plagg hovering behind him all the way.

Back in the office, Gabriel Agreste covered his face with his hands.
"What have I done" he murmured.

His own son had left him. Gabriel stood up. His face hardened. How had he found out that he was Hawkmoth in the first place?

Gabriel walked to Adrien's room. He touched the shelves with games and saw that most if them were unopend. You are a terrible father.

He looked at his son's bed and saw how the covers were neatly made. It was midday.
On the floor, Gabriel Noticed an akuma. It was still white but it was dead.
How did that get here?
He also noticed a small white slip of paper, the kind he kept in his underground chamber. It had words on it.

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