part 4

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Marinette woke up in hospital yet again. She was in a different room than last time and she tried moving and successfully managed to climb out of bed and hobble to the door. Her left leg ached painfully. She tested to see how much weight she could put on it and a sharp jolt of pain shot through her body unexpectedly. She hobbled back to her bed, grumbling and lifted her pajama leg to see that there were bruises all over it. She lay in bed, recalling how she got here. When the akuma had kicked her to the side, she must have damaged her leg too. And the sheer effort of holding the akuma down for so long probably didn't help. Marinette sighed. She hated hospitals. They were boring.

Looking to her left, she could see a vase of fresh flowers and about 20 get well cards which made the corners if her mouth turn up in a subtle smile.
She busied herself by reading them all, one by one and mentally giving them thanks but she turned bright red and grinned when she saw one from both Adrien and Chat Noir. Funnily enough, when she looked close enough, their hand writing was really similar, identical even. She would tell this to Chat Noir next time she saw him. Which was right now.

"Hey princess, i see you're reading my card."

Marinette jumped and swiveld her head round in confusion before breathing a sigh of relief. Only Chat.
"Yeah. I noticed that you and my friend Adrien have really similar handwriting." She said brightly.
At this, Chat Noir paled a little.
"I-is that so?" He stammered worridely.

"Jeez relax. You're lucky to have something in common with the hottest model in Paris!" Said Marinette laughing.

Phew. Close one. Thought Chat.

"Hey, Marinette, i wanted to thank you for what you did this morning. It was the bravest thing I have ever seen a civilian do." Said Chat in earnest.

Marinette blushed.
"Aww thanks." She said.

He continued."but you shouldn't have put yourself in danger like that. I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to protect you back there."

Marinette thought carefully about her next words.
" well, it's hard to explain but I owed it to you. And normally I have - resources to help me do this kind of stuff but this time I didn't so I ended up worse off than normal. But don't blame it on yourself, Chat because really this whole situation was my own fault."

Chat was puzzled.
"Princess, how was this your fault? Ladybug didn't come and that's what led to this situation. It's her fault that you were hurt."

Marinette had to tell him who she was. After this, it was necessary.
"Chat.It is my fault. Because I'm -"
A nurse opened the door at that moment causing both Marinette and Chat Noir to jump.


"Chat Noir. Please leave now. Miss Dupain Cheng needs rest and she isn't going to get it with you in here." The nurses face looked so good to punch right now.

Marinette was so frustrated. She was just about to tell Chat Noir her secret identity and the nurse interrupts and asks him to leave! Brilliant timing.

Chat Noir had no choice but to leave. He looked back at Marinette and gave her a knowing smile.
"Meet me at the Eiffel tower tonight at 7. You can tell me there." He said and left.

The nurse led Chat Noir outside leaving Marinette to rest. She went to sleep again and didn't wake up until much later.

When she went home, she checked the time to see that it was 6.00. Just enough time to get ready for meeting Chat at the Eiffel tower. She hoped that they wouldnt get interrupted this time.

She dressed up nicely then walked to the Eiffel tower, worried and slightly nervous. What would he think about her after this. She tried not to imagine the future.

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