Part 8

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Marinette had been missing for about two days now and her parents had no idea where she was. Alya was worried. It was the second time in the last 2 months that she had gone missing like this and the first time, they had found her dehydrated,  starving, freezing and unconscious in a dirty alley way. Where would they find her this time?
Alya thought about why she was in the alley way anyway. The police said she had been mugged but Alya didn't believe that. Adrien said that he looked at her purse and it was still full and anyway, Marinette never carried anything apart from a small bag and that was still intact. She couldn't have been mugged.
Not only that, she was walking around several streets away from where she lived and where the school was. What reason was she there for?

Another thought interrupted her current thoughts - where was Adrien? He had also been missing for 2 days, the same as Marinette. Weird....

Chat Noir was creeping along the wall of his father's mansion, looking for the entrance near a storage cupboard which not many knew about.
He found it and pressed down the handle but the door wouldn't open. It was locked.

Chat Noir cursed under his breath as he jiggled the handle, making a lot more noise than he intended to.
Nooroo motioned silently, telling him to stop before flying through and unlocking the door from the inside, something he hadn't done for a while.
During his time with Hawknoth, he was unable to unlock the door keeping him trapped inside the lair.

Chat heard the small click of the lock opening and the creak of the door. He stepped in, smiling at the littke kwami in thanks.

Chat Noir made his way through the corridors and airy rooms until he came to the lobby. Fortunately, there was no one there. He looked at the painting of his mother and his face fell.

He had always loved this painting but now, it was tinted by the fact that it was the entrance to the lair of a criminal, his father.
He ran his fingers over the rough surface of his mother's eyes, his claws making small scratches in the paint but snapped out of his trance and settled down to work out how he was to unlock the painting.

He studied the patterns and lines, and the spots around the figure, clueless and confused.
"Nooroo, do you know the pass code?",  asked Chat Noir.

Nooroo shook his head. He hadn't been out of the lair for months.
Chat sighed.
He would have to look around the house first, then.
Suddenly, he heard footsteps. His father came into the room and looked at Chat Noir in surprise, then anger.
Chat bolted.
Up flights of stairs he ran and down stairs he ran. Through corridors he recognised and corridors he hadn't been into. He never realised just how big his house was.
Chat could hear panting behind him and smirked. His father was not in good shape, it seemed.
He ran on, looking for his father's room and came to a corridor which he recognised. By now, Gabriel was far behind.

Chat paused and looked around himself, panting slightly. He walked first one way, then the other, trying to remember which way his father's bedroom was.

He jogged a few corridors more and came to what he was looking for. He opened the door soundlessly and crept in, locking it behind himself and breathing a sigh of relief.
He leaned against the wall and looked around. His father always kept a safe so that was probably a good start.
The safe was under the bed, unlocked and he found a small piece of paper with coordinates on it.
Come to think of it, there were actually numbers around the edge of the painting of Emilie Agreste witch his father said were just to help the artist paint it.
It was worth a try.

Chat made his way back to the lobby, cautious of any sounds. He looked at the painting and touched the places marked with coordinates and suddenly, he was sinking into the floor, into a large room.

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