part 5

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Hawkmoth had to plan this just right. Marinette wasn't stupid, after all she was ladybug and Ladybug was very intelligent. It would be fairly difficult to get a hold of her, but he had a good plan. He just needed his son, Adrien's help. He knew that Ladybug and Chat Noir had suspected Gabriel Agreste of being hawkmoth before, but luckily, he had quickly debunked their theory so he had the element of surprise on his side.
Hawkmoth detransformed into the famous designer, Gabriel Agreste and watched as his kwami fluttered out of the brooch on his collar. He looked angry.
"Gabriel, i know what you're thinking but you can't use your own son like this. Not only that, but you're planning on kidnapping his best friend! What kind of father are you?", said nooroo, disgusted and shocked.
Gabriel smiled.
"I am a father who wants the best for his son. No child should grow up without a mother and I don't want my own son to carry this grief any longer than necessary. I will get Emilie back at all costs." Said Gabriel in return. Nooroo almost cried with disgust at those words.

"You don't care about your son. Oh no. This isn't about him at all." Said Nooroo. "He's just a pawn in your twisted game. You only care about yourself. In fact, if I was your wife, I'd want to stay dead just to spite you for abusing your powers like this. You are an evil man, Gabriel, and I feel deeply sorry that your son has such a terrible father."

Gabriel Agreste left his chamber, choosing not to listen to what his kwami had said. He had to deal with the task at hand. Letting guilty thoughts invade his mind wouldnt do him much good.
You are a terrible father.

Gabriel found Adrien in his room, playing piano. He looked up as his dad walked into the room and Gabriel Noticed the shadows under his son's eyes. Worried, he questioned him about it.
"Adrien, have you been getting enough sleep lately?"

"Yes. I just had a roughish day today. That's all." Said Adrien huffily. His dad couldn't know the real reason behind his exhaustion, that in the last 4 weeks, Ladybug had disappeared, leaving him to fight alone as Chat Noir.

His dad shrugged. He needn't worry.
"Son, do you know Marinette Dupain Cheng from your class?" He asked.
Adrien narrowed his eyes. His father rarely showed any interest in his friends.
"Yes. Why?"
"I have been intrigued by her clothes designs ever since the hat competition that she won and would like to meet her in person. Could you bring her round one day after school?" Said Gabriel. The lie came easily.

Adrien sighed. Never mind. He had no interest in his friends, only business opportunities.
"Yeah I'll bring her over" He said dejectedly.
"Good" replied his father."make sure to remember your photo shoot tomorrow." And he left Adrien's room.
Adrien smiled. He was happy that a friend was finally coming round, even if it was just for business. Maybe he would be allowed to spend some time with Marinette too. They could play video games or just talk. He was looking forward to it.

Next day at school, Marinette was going to plan her costume design for a Ladybug costume. Her plan was to wear it infront of Chat to convince him that she was ladybug. She started with the sleeves, drawing bold strokes and using pictures from the ladyblog as a reference. She carried on even during the lessons and hid her notebook under the desk when a teacher glanced in her direction. By the end of the day, she was finished. Now she just needed to put it together.
She was about to leave for home when someone tapped her on the shoulder. She jumped and spun round, dropping her notebook on the page she had been working on.
It was Adrien.
Marinette blushed and bent down to pick up her book but bumped her head with Adrien's as he also bent down.
Funny, only Chat Noir could ever make Marinette jump by creeping up behind her.
"Wow! Is that a Ladybug costume? It's really good, Marinette." Said Adrien, inspecting her work. No wonder father was so interested in her designs. She had real talent.
"Oh um thanks?" Said Marinette, blushing more. Adrien complimented her! Yay!
"You're welcome. I was just going to ask if you wanted to come round mine one day." Asked Adrien."My father is interested in your designs and wanted to meet you in person to talk business."

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