"It must have something to do with the tomb and Emily's spell book." I reply, making sure Bonnie is still okay.

"Spell book?"

"Damon said it could be used to open the tomb."

"Why didn't I know about any of this?" I looked at Elena and she nods her head, telling Bonnie.

"I was trying to keep you out of it, hoping it would never come to this."

"Come to what?"

"They need a witch to break the spell and let the vampires out."

"No way!"

"I know."

Ben bursts through the door. Elena grabs Bonnie's shoulders protectively. Ben turns the tap off.

"You're wasting your time. I'm not gonna help you."

Ben smiles devilishly and grabs me. Elena and Bonnie reaches out to try to pull me back, but Ben manages to pull me away from them.

"That's why she's here. Motivation for you to behave. You know, you shouldn't be so desperate. You made it too easy."

Ben pushes me out of the room, roughly. Bonnie gets up from the tub. Ben shuts the bathroom door.

Ben: She wants to talk to you.
I stumble into the motel room. Anna leans against a table, looking at me.

"Well, well. Lyanna Gilbert. You really are Katherine's doppelgänger. You must have the Salvatore boys reeling."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Anna. Your boy cousin may have mentioned me," She says with girlish sarcasm,"I mean, we're like, practically dating."

I sit on the edge of one of the beds and looked around. Anna peers out the curtain, looking outside.

"Bonnie's not gonna open the tomb. Not for you or for anyone else."

"Oh, I think she will."

"Do you really want Katherine out that bad?" Anna looks over at me.

"Trust me. No one I know wants to see that girl again. Except Damon, the lovestruck idiot."

"Then what is it? Or who is it?"

"My mother's in there," Anna walks closer towards me more,"Katherine couldn't help herself. She just had to toy around with both of the Salvatore brothers. And when she got caught, so did my mother. I watched Johnathan Gilbert take her away."

"I'm sorry." I said sincerely.

"You really mean that, don't you?" She chuckles,"Yeah, I think we'll skip the dead mom bonding so you can start serving a purpose."

"Which is what?" I asked bitterly. Bitch.

"Leverage. This belong to you?" Anna holds up Elena's phone. I tired to grab it from her, but Anna pulls it away.


Anna walks across the room, dialing a number on the phone. The phone rings and Stefan picks up from the other end, at the Salvatore House.

"She's fine. For now. Tell me you have the grimoire and she'll stay fine. Which means your brother has it. And I have the witch. So one of you had better meet me in the very public town square in 30 minutes so we can safely discuss how fun it's gonna be to work together." I couldn't really hear what the other side was saying but I had a feeling it couldn't be anything good. Anna knocks on the bathroom door.

Tainted Souls {Damon Salvatore Love Story} ⚜️Book 1 (Wattys2019) {Completed} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now