I Am A Paladin

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Keith's P.O.V

I am a paladin. I fight. I was born with a purpose. A purpose of protecting those who couldn't protect themselves. I wear a helmet and metal suit. I carry a sword that will harm those who have harmed others. I am the law of space. I work with my brothers and sisters to save you from evil. You fight me, I will fight back. You hurt me, I can hurt you a million times harder. I have the strength of a pack of wolves. Like I said before, I wear a helmet and a metal suit. Although on the outside, I may look indestructible. On the inside, I hurt. I can laugh and smile. I can cry and yell. Although I am a paladin, I am also a human. I am a son. I am a brother. I am a lover. I bleed. I feel pain. I love, although love could be what kills me. I feel things. I feel things I don't want to feel, but that's just how being a paladin is. I can feel whatever, but at the same time, I can't. I was born with a purpose. I fight. I am a paladin.

He kissed her? He really kissed her? He told me he looked at her like a sister. Now he's telling me he kissed her. The weird thing is, I'm not mad. I'm definitely not happy, but I'm not mad. I should be mad. But I feel more disappointed in myself for not realizing it. More disappointed that I cried over a person, who didn't feel the same. I ran away from the group like a child.

"I just need to collect myself at this point" I mumbled under my breath. I stared straight into the street, all the people walking, the people that were happy. I got lost in my thought before I felt my leg being pulled, I look down to see a small alien child. She seemed slightly scared.

"Hello?" I asked slightly confused. She simply continued to stare at me. "You okay?"

"You're a paladin?" She queried as she tilted her head.

"Um..yes?" I chuckled as I went on one knee as to get down to her level. She seemed to blush.

"I'm a big fan," she smiled. Her smile was so goofy and genuine that I couldn't help but smile back. Before we could continue anymore I heard a woman in hysterics. I turned around to see she was coming in my direction with a man you seemed almost equally as worried as she was.

"There you are!" The woman yelled as she reached for the child's hand. "You don't ever run off like that ever, do you understand?" I quickly got back on my feet, she looked at me with such awe.

"Is this your daughter?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm awfully sorry, she ran away and I was so worried," she huffed as I assumed to be her husband rubbed her shoulder.

"It's alright, she's absolutely adorable," I gave the little girl a goofy grin causing her to do a high pitched laugh which warmed my heart.

"She's a huge fan of yours, you and all of the paladins, thank you for everything you do," the man spoke gratefully.

"She told me, and thank you, it's an honor being able to help," I spoke as I held my hand out for him to shake. He shook my hand and shortly after grabbed his little girl's.

"Do you have any kids, you were great with my daughter, so it made me wonder?" The mother spoke as she tilted her head.

I rubbed the back of my neck and nervously chuckled. "I want them some day, more than anything," the idea of kid made me smile abnormally large.

"Well, I'm sure you'll be amazing once you have them, and your partner will be lucky to have them with you," she bubbled. The family said their thanks once more before going on their way, leaving me once again with only my thoughts.

"Kids?" I whispered to myself. "Well, of course I want them, but I don't think.." I cut myself off before saying it. "I only wanted them with her," I sighed. I continued walking along the street before I came across a group of kids playing hopscotch near a large amount of boxes. One of the children spotted me and began waving excitedly. I smirked and walked over to say hello.

"Wanna join, we just started a new game!" The boy spoke excitedly, the other kids begging along with him. I couldn't resist just letting go for a second.

"Fine, but then I gotta get back to my team," I smiled. Their eyes lit up as they handed me a pebble. I played for a short bit before hearing voices.

"Do you hear that?" A little girl asked. I nodded curiously. All the children put down their pebbles and looked around, the noise sounded close, yet at a distance.

"We're near a busy street, it could just be other people," one of the boys shrugged. One of the kids stopped him.

"I think it's inside the boxes?" The girl wondered. They all looked at me to investigate. I stepped closer, the sound approaching. I moved one of them aside to see an opening of some sort.

"Stay back," I warned the kids as I took a closer step inside. Before I knew it, it became a tunnel that somehow hypnotized me to follow. I came to an opening. I peaked my head slowly, not to alarm the people talking, but then I heard it. I hear her.
But what am I supposed to do. The person I love is sitting 20 feet away from me and I'm frozen. I don't know how to do this.
I was born with a purpose. I fight. I am a paladin.

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