A Proper Formation: Part 2

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"Allura, what is wrong with you!" you roared.

"There you go, let your anger and fear guide you. Let that help you form Voltron," she bubbled.

"I'd rather not, I'm going back!" Lance whimpered. You saw the blue lion sprint past you and back to the castle.

"Princess please! Have mercy on us!" Hunk begged as he serpentined.

"Do you think that Zarkon and the galra are going to have mercy on you, or on any of us for a matter of fact? They're probably on their way to destroy every single one of us!" She barked.

After what seemed like a million of years of running, the lasers stopped and you all managed to make your way back and inside the castle.

"Okay, I don't know about any of you, but I'm taking a break," Hunk panted as he ripped of his helmet.

"Seconded," you huffed as you followed him to the lounge. Once you stepped in, everyone took their own spots on the couch and sat down, except for Lance you sprawled out in his own section. You made your way over to Keith and laid your head on his lap, curling the rest of your body against the side of the sofa. As he began rubbing your back, you noticed Lance giving Keith a dirty glare, but you were too tired to say anything. As you were about to fall asleep, Allura and Coran entered the room.

"You guys actually did it! You guys formed Voltron!" The princess cheered.

"No, the lasers stopped, the particle barrier came down, and we all decided to come back in," Keith explained. Allura's smile instantly turned to a disgusted snarl.

"What?" she seethed. 

"Oh, right, I forgot to tell you Princess, but I had to turn off the Castle defense in order to test the fire suppressors," Coran winced. 

"What are you guys doing. When did I say we were going to take a break?" Shiro scoffed as he came into the room.

"Shiro is absolutely right, you should be going back to training," Allura agreed.

"All we ever do now is train," Hunk argued. "I just want to know when we can go back to Earth."

"I don't know about you, but I'm not going back to Earth until I find my family," Pidge retorted. 

"You aren't getting it, there will be no Earth if we don't figure out how to form Voltron and fight Zarkon," Shiro counteracted. 

"I don't blame you guys, the original paladins fought hundreds of battles, side-by-side, they'd all known each other and had no trouble earning each others trust," Coran forgave.

"Okay, that's all fun and dandy, but that definitely isn't us," Lance groaned as he sank into his seat.

"When Voltron was last formed, it was because of your fear and survival instincts, but that can only get you so far, you need to learn how to bond, you guys should try out the training deck," Coran resounded.

"May as well give that a shot," you sighed as you sat up. You all followed Coran as you made your way to some high-tech room that held an observatory above it, that's where Coran went as you all had to stay on the bottom floor and form a circle.

"Okay guys, the paladin code demands that you put your team members' safety above your own, we are going to send a fleet of drones to attack you, it's up to each of you to protect the other members of the team," suddenly, tons of small drones began flying out of multiple directions. As you watched as the drones flew around each of you, a blue shield suddenly appeared on each of your right  arms.

"Sweet," you laughed under you breath. You heard Pidge scream and get sucked into the floor, then turned to see a scared Hunk squatting on the floor, you could only assume that he ducked in time to dodge the laser.

"Protect your teammates or no one will protect you," Coran reminded. Shortly after he said this, Hunk was shot and was sent diving into the hole in the ground. The four of you that were left huddled into a small area in the center of the circle. "Time to increase the intensity." As he said that, the drones suddenly started shooting at hyper speed, as they began zooming around you.

"How are you holding up over there Kogane?" Lance mocked.

"Fine, just concentrate on completing the drill," Keith hissed.

"Oh, I own this drill, it's you who needs to concentrate," Lance smirked. As you saw one of the lasers coming, you all ducked down, except for Lance you raised his leg, which sent a laser firing right into Keith's back, sending him right into the floor with a squeal. Not a moment after, Lance went right through the floor with a yell that echoed in the room. You and Shiro held up for a minute of two after that, before dropping like flies. 

Afterwards, you sat outside the room as Keith and Lance had to some sort of electric maze, which ended up with Lance in a furious mess. Afterwards, you were instructed to grab your lions and head outside.

"Now, none of you will come near forming Voltron, unless each of you has a strong bond with their lion," Coran instructed.

"No problem, me and Blue are best buds for life," Lance smiled.

"Perfect, then you should have no problems with this exercise," Coran challenged. "Everyone put their lions into a nose dive!" So, as he said, you put your lion into a nose dive. "Enabling training helmets," you heard Coran initiate. Right after he said that, the part of your helmets that helped protect your eyes, while still allowing you to see, turned black, obstructing your vison.

"What happened, I can't see, Coran I'm blind!" Lance yelped.

"In order to form a bond with the lion, who have to learn to see through its eyes. Once you have formed that bond, you will be able to turn away and fly towards the sky right before you hit the ground," The ginger-man explained. "You have to be able to feel what the lion feels!"

You heard Hunk whimpering through the sound device in your helmets. "Mine feels scared," he croaked before pulling away.

"You got this Keith?" Lance challenged.

"Yeah, you?" he responded.

"Do I got it, I've more than got it!" he pushed the lever to accelerate, going faster than the rest of the lions.

"Oh okay," Keith laughed as he began going faster. 

"If you guys crash, it won't be on me," you mumbled.

"You getting scared," Lance intimidated.

"I'm not scared!" Keith yelled. You suddenly heard a large crash, without being able to see it, you were pretty much able to tell what happened.

"What was that noise? Did they crash?" Pidge worried. You suddenly heard him pull away, now it was just you and Shiro. You both remained absolutely silent. You closed your eyes, breathing as steadily as you possibly could, then it happened, you saw it. You and the lion were face-to-face, she was staring directly back at you, until suddenly, you became one, and you saw out of the same eyes she did. Her noise skidded against the ground right as you began to pull up.

"I did it!" You yelled in pure joy.

"Excellent job (Y/N), amazing job to you as well Shiro!" Coran burst. You met with the other paladins next to the castle.

"So McClain, how did I do?" you smirked as you pulled off your helmet, letting you (H/C) hair flow behind you.

"I think you did alright," he smiled as he gave you a fist bump. Keith quickly came beside you.

"Hey," he smiled.

"Hey," you smirked back. "So red, can I hear it?"

"Hear what?" he questioned.

"An, I don't know how to amount to your epicness (Y/N)," you mocked, which earned you a sly chuckle.

"Sorry to interrupt your moment of triumph, but we have one final team-bonding exercise," Coran announced. "If you all don't mind, let's heading in." 

Keith slung his arm around your shoulder as you began heading in for the last exercise for the day.

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