Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


       I wasn't a morning person at all so when I woke up to the sun glaring in my eyes, I was more than annoyed. There were black curtains in my room for a reason.

       Wait a second...

       I slowly opened my eyes, noticing that I wasn't even in my bedroom. Well, the bedroom I stayed in at the Bolton's but still. I wasn't there at all.

       I was in the music room, lying on one of the chairs.

       Once my sight adjusted, I looked around the room, seeing Hunter with his head resting on the piano. There were also crumpled pieces of paper sprawled all over the floor in the music room, which only made me think of one thing.

       Hunter's song.

       I reached for my cell phone, checking to see what time it was. And as soon as I did, I felt wide awake.

       Hunter was supposed to be in the recording studio in fifteen minutes.

       I hopped off of the chair and went to Hunter, shaking him awake. "Hunter," I said. "You have to wake up."

       "Five more minutes," Hunter muttered, his eyes staying closed as he shooed me with his hand. 

       "No, not five more minutes," I said. "Because you have to be in the recording studio in fifteen minutes. If you want Kevin to let you record this song, we have to leave now."

       That was all it took for Hunter to open his eyes and sit up, looking at me. "Wait, what?"

       "I'm not repeating it again," I said, pulling him up from the seat. "You need to look presentable so go change into some new clothes, do something with your hair, and I'll get the backing track on the USB drive."

       Hunter, thankfully, didn't ask anymore stupid questions. He just quickly left the music room to get changed. In the meantime, I went to Hunter's laptop to get the backing track we made for his song onto a USB drive.

       It took a long time but he was able to finish the song and I rarely did anything to help him out except for helping him record the backing track. 

       Once it was on the USB, I left the music room and went to the foyer, grabbing my car keys so I could get Hunter to the recording studio quickly. He could drive but he was a careful driver.

       I was not.

       And if he wanted to get there on time for Kevin to take him seriously, I had to drive.

       Hunter came down the stairs and as soon as he had his shoes on, I grabbed his arm and pulled him outside to my car. "Calm down, Cannon," he said. "We'll get there on time. Maybe even a minute after."

       "Yeah, but it's not enough just to get there a minute after," I said. "Kevin won't take you seriously if you're a minute late and you really need to record this song."

       "Well, now you're making me feel worried," Hunter said.

       "Don't feel worried," I said. "I'll get you there on time. I promise."

       I did.

       With two minutes to spare.

       "Remind me never to get into a car with you again when we're in a hurry," Hunter said, leaning back in his seat. "I like I'm going to be sick."

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