Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


       "Are you sure you want to do this?" Hunter asked as he pulled his car into the driveway of my home that hadn't really felt like a home for the past couple weeks. I basically had moved into the Boltons' and I probably wasn't going to ever come home until my parents got back together.

       I knew they would and that was why I was avoiding them so much. All this arguing and blaming each other was only going to be useless in the end. 

       And I hated it. 

       I think I actually would have been fine if they decided to stay divorced. I would have gotten used to it.

       But I was never going to because my parents are so fickle with their relationship and love that they could never decide if they wanted to stay happily married or not.

       After a few moments of just staring at my house, I looked at Hunter. "I have to," I said. "I wished they would have made the effort to tell me, but that's not going to happen. And I have to get this over with."

       "Do you want me to come in with you?" Hunter asked.

       "No, this is something I have to do alone," I said. "You already drove me here anyway when you didn't have to. I'm perfectly capable of driving here myself."

       "Yeah, not really," Hunter said. "You do tend to speed when you're driving angrily and I figured you'll most likely be angry after talking to your parents. I wanted to keep you safe."

       I gave Hunter a thin smile, my heart gaining speed like it always does when Hunter does something to make me feel a tiny bit better. Which happened basically every day. I was surprised my heart hadn't jumped out of my chest yet.

       "Thanks," I said. "At times, it really feels like you're the only person who cares about me."

       "That's not true," Hunter said. "Your parents really do care about you. They're just a little..."

       "Selfish?" I asked. "Self-involved? Stubborn? Stubborn is a good one, definitely."

       "My point is they still care about you," Hunter said. "We all know that if something were to happen to you, they would completely lose it, even while they're in this divorce battle."

       "So what you're saying is that I should fake something really bad happening to me and my parents will come running to my side, and see that they both care about me and should continue being married for my sake and theirs?"

       "That... Is the complete opposite of what I'm saying," Hunter said. "Just go talk to them and if they're still being stubborn, then we'll go back to my place and make--"


       "Holy... Why am I still friends with you when you saying things like that? I was going to say butterscotch pudding."

       "Okay, not as good as love but I guess that will do," I said before taking off my seat belt and opening the car door. "If I come back angry, I might have to flirt with you to make me feel better."

       "Please don't or I won't be friends with you anymore," Hunter said.

       "That's harsh," I said before getting out of the car. I was probably going to 'fake' flirt with him anyway because it was the only source I had of telling Hunter how I felt about him without really telling him.

       Because I was probably never going to be able to tell him.

       I made my way up to the front door of my house, taking my keys out of my pocket and unlocking the door. Before walking inside, I took a deep breath until I was ready as much as I could be.

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