Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


       There weren't many things I could do to take my mind off of all the chaos that went up there sometimes. Usually, it was music but recently, my writer's block only made things worse.

       At least there was still one thing that would definitely help me take my mind off everything, so that was exactly where I was right now; in the stables, brushing my horse Thunder. Every time I was anywhere near Thunder, everything that was bothering me flew out the window.

       Until the person that was causing all this chaos walking into the stables. "I knew I would find you here," Cannon suddenly said, so I looked over to see him standing in the entrance of the stables.

       "Hey," I said, trying to ignore the rapid beating of my heart as I went back to focusing on brushing Thunder. "Are you still staying with your mom?"

       "Nope," Cannon said, walking over to me. "She had to dive into work today so she wasn't home a lot and when she was home, she was in her office. Either way, it was like I was alone and I would rather not be home alone all the time. So I guess you're going to be stuck with me for a while."

       "So in other words, you're moving in?" I asked.

       "No, of course not," Cannon said. "It's just until my parents get their act together, which we all know is going to happen eventually. I can move in though if you want me to."

       "And have the opportunity for you to bug me every single day?" I asked. "Oh, definitely. That's all I want for in life. For you to bug me all the time up to the point where it makes me want to punch you in the face."

       "Ouch," Cannon said, resting his hand on top of his heart. "You really hurt me all the time, Hunter."

       I rolled my eyes though a small smile was appearing on my face no matter how hard I was trying to hide it. It was very hard to not to smile around Cannon. His humour and charisma got to me every time.

       Even more so since I realized I had feelings for him.

       "Awe, is that a smile?" Cannon asked, poking my cheek which made me swat my hand away.

       "I'm trying to brush my horse here," I said. "So can you maybe, I don't know, leave me alone?"

       "Rude," Cannon said. "I'm just trying to spend some time with my best friend since I have nobody else to pay attention to me, and I strive for attention. Good or bad."

       I raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, not the best thing when you're in the public eye."

       "Hey, any publicity is good publicity."

       "Of course it is," I said before grabbing another brush nearby and handing it to Cannon. "Here, if you want to spend time with me then you can help me brush Thunder. You know how to do it, right?'

       "Obviously," Cannon said, taking the brush from me. "I've helped you before and you would always get mad at me if I do it wrong."

       "Uh, because Thunder is my baby," I said, patting his neck. "If you make him uncomfortable with the brushing, I'll make your uncomfortable."

       "Is that a threat or a promise?" Cannon asked with a wink.

       I scoffed and slapped his arm. "I can never take you seriously when you make those kinds of comments."

       "But you and I both know you love them," Cannon said, nudging my arm slightly so I nudged him back. Honestly, as annoying as those comments could be, part of me always liked them. It was pretty funny and I guessed it made me feel a bit special that someone was paying so much attention to me.

       I still couldn't believe I had feelings for Cannon. I never thought I would ever feel something for him.

       And I never thought I would totally be okay with it.

      Yeah, I was still a bit scared to tell him that I knew he had feelings for me and that I had feelings for him too because that would only make things a lot more real. And living in the spotlight, it was never going to be an easy thing.

       "So, I have something to tell you," Cannon said which made my heart start beating faster. He wasn't going to tell me...

       Was he?

       And was I ready for him to tell me?

       "What is it?" I asked hesitantly.

       "Okay, promise you won't hate me but..." Cannon said slowly. "I kind of recorded you working on what you had so far for that song and I kind of sent it to Kevin."

       "Wait... You did what?" I asked.

       "I sent your song to Kev--"

       "Cannon, I heard what you said. Why would you do that?"

       Cannon sighed. "Because even though you're not quite done the song, I know you're really proud of it and I really want that song to be produced, not the song Kevin is making you do. I want him to see the potential you have with writing songs. So... Are you mad?"

       "No, of course not," I said. "I don't think I can ever be mad at you. And I do want to produce the song I'm working on but I highly doubt Kevin is going to let me. I just have to do his song."

       "It can't hurt trying," Cannon said.

       "Yeah, I guess it can't," I said even though I knew Kevin would never allow me to produce my song.

       I suddenly got a text message so I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket to read it. And I couldn't believe it.

       "What is it?" Cannon asked, noticing my shocked impression.

       "It's Kevin," I said. "He said that if I'm serious about the song, I have to go to the recording studio tomorrow to record it."

       "Hunter, that's great!" Cannon said. "See, I told you it won't hurt trying."

       "Great?" I repeated. "Cannon, the song isn't finished and he said if I'm serious about it, I have to record it tomorrow. I have writer's block. I can't finish it by tomorrow."

       "I'll help you," Cannon said. "Maybe you just need someone to bounce ideas off of. We are going to finish this song even if we have to stay up all night doing it."

       I smiled. "Then let's get started."


canter <3 i love them so much

especially cannon

so here's a gif of cannon:

so here's a gif of cannon:

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