Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


       I should say something. I really should. It wasn't the hard to just say something. Anything. No matter how many times I told myself to just speak up, I couldn't. Something inside of me wouldn't allow it.

       Maybe because I was used to it. Maybe because I was hoping the outcome would be different this time.

       I was foolish to think that.

       Things were never going to change here.

       I was really starting to get a headache with my parents arguing back and forth, especially since it was over the stupidest thing ever. Then again, when wasn't their arguments about something stupid?

       I was just trying to eat the sandwich I made peacefully, but then my parents decided to both walk into the kitchen and that was when the argument broke out. I really did want to say something to get them to stop.

       I finally had enough of them and said, "Can you two please, for once in your life, just stop arguing?!"

       They did. Momentarily. 

       I knew it wasn't going to last.

       Both of my parents looked at me. "This has nothing to do with you, Cannon," Dad said.

       "Nothing to do with me?" I repeated. "I'm your son and I have to deal with this bullshit every single day! You don't think I have enough stress in my life right now? My parents arguing in front of me makes it ten times worse!"

       "Watch your tone of voice," Dad said sternly. 

       I just scoffed before getting up from the stool I was sitting on. Why did I even bother? It was like talking to a brick wall.

       I started heading out of the kitchen with Mom calling, "Where are you going?!"

       "Where do you think I'm going?!" I asked, though I wouldn't be surprised if they had no idea, despite them being best friends with my best friend's parents.

       Once, I stayed over at his house for a week and my parents didn't even notice. Sometimes, they would, but I only stayed over because they were in one of their tiffs. I hated being home when they were caught in one.

       I left the house and got into my car, leaning back in my seat and releasing a deep breath. Maybe I should just crash at Hunter's for a few days. Or weeks.

       Might as well actually move in there.

       I started up the car and pulled out of the driveway before heading to Hunter's house. At least I knew there wasn't going to be any loud arguments there.

       When I pulled up to the gate of the house, I rolled down the car window to punch in the code that opened the gate. It slowly opened and when it finally did, I drove onto the driveway and parked my car there before getting out.

       I had keys to the house since I came over a lot, most of the time unannounced. They were all used to it and didn't mind at all. I mean, Hunter's dad knew my dad their whole life, and my mom became best friends with Hunter's mom in high school. His parents knew how much mine argued.

       As soon as I walked inside, I heard a piano's melody coming from the music room and I immediately recognized it as one of the songs Hunter has been working on, so I immediately headed over there. I didn't disturb him since he was currently singing the song, his back facing me. I just stood in the doorway and watched.

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