Shrykers (Shryks)

58 1 4

Phyra Bladequill: Welcome to the Shrykers group chat, young ones!  Where we are a low-sodium group of Heroes and are tomorrow's Champions.  I'm Phyra and as the Owner of this chat, I welcome thee.

PikaKris17: Thnx! :D  I feel like I'll really enjoy this chat ^.^

Mkash: Welcome new friends

PikaKris17: Hi there! *waves emphatically*

Arrowswift: Yo.  I'm Phyra's twin brother and I'm the Second-in-Command for this group chat.

PikaKris17: It's good to be here ^.^

PikaKris17: Wait!  You guys are really twins!? :o

Arrowswift: Yeah

Phyra Bladequill: Yes

PikaKris17: That's awesome! :D I wish my siblings would play this game with me ;-;

Phyra Bladequill: How many siblings do you have?

PikaKris17: I am the oldest of 4; two younger sisters and a lil brother

Phyra Bladequill: I. . .I feel for you.  I don't have any sisters

PikaKris17: They're a pain in the ass ;-;

Iron Lord Mercy: You're a pain in the ass xP

PikaKris17: Silence! I keel you! xP

Iron Lord Mercy: I mean, you can try. . .

PikaKris17: Boi, I know where you live ._.

Mkash: Do you guys know each other?

PikaKris17: Yeah, we're friends irl

Iron Lord Mercy: We're friends

Mkash: That's cool

Tyberius11: I'm here, too!

Phyra Bladequill: Welcome new Shryker

PikaKris17: Hey, Ty! :D

Tyberius11: Heya!

PikaKris17: I feel like this is going to be a REALLY fun group chat ^.^

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