I nailed it all into place and admired my work.

I just stayed in a cave with a single wall for awhile before going out to get food... I disguised, obviously, and I found a retail store.

I got some supplies for the house, like paint to match the walls of the cave, and a nice door.

I got some more wood to build a bed frame, and some better looking wood for a desk, and some shelves.

Realizing I couldn't just nail the shelves into the wall, I got some sticky stuff... whatever those are called.. to just stick them to the wall.

I put all my items in a box, and pushed it all the way back to the cave.

Immediately I began painting the walls.

After that, I installed the door, and tested it.

I made sure it worked at walked inside to my empty home, with a small fire and a sleeping bag. I lay out all my materials, and put the shelves up.

I built my bed frame.... which took like... 7 hours. It was really dark at that point, so I slumped onto my sleeping bag and fell asleep instantly.

In the morning, I assembled my desk, which took 4 hours since I had instructions on how to build it.

I took in the beauty of my little home and decided I should get a mattress.

And in case you are wondering how I have enough money to buy all this.... it's because we get paid... a lot of money depending on your rank in Team Aeri. I had a lot of money since I mainly only bought food.

I picked out a mattress and paid the guy, he asked if I was old enough to be out shopping so I said.

"I'm 18, but I'm below average height."

The man nodded and let me go.

I lugged the heavy mattress home, squished it through the door, and put it on my newly built bed frame.

I had daylight so I went to buy a chair for my desk.

I picked out a nice office chair, brought it home, and assembled it.

I pushed it to the desk, and flopped onto my new mattress.

It was cold, so I put my sleeping bag on the mattress, and slept in that.

The next morning, I went out to get bedsheets.

And yes.. I did eat in between all this.

I brought my bedsheets home.

They had white at the top, and faded into a black color, I got matching pillow cases. I also bought some pillows.

I had a few more hours of daylight, so I went to buy some cabinets.

I picked some that matched the theme of my home, and brought them back.

I assembled them, and stuck the cabinets to the wall using the same thing I had used to put the shelves on.

I got into my bed and slept again since it was late, the next day I would get a stove, and if I had extra time, a fridge.

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