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My head hurts. My body hurts. My heart hurts.

I tried to sit up, but failed miserably. "Ugh." I groaned. I touched my face, but hated my decision instantly. The burning, sensitive sensation hurt so bad it brought tears to my eyes.

I clicked on the Nurse button, hoping someone would come in soon.

"Look who's finally awake." The nurse smiled, putting her hand gently on my forehead.

"Where's Colby? Where's my mom?" I questioned, my heart breaking from the thought of my mom.

"Honey, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but your mother didn't make it. When the ambulance got there, she was already gone. Your father too. Colby on the other hand, he's in ICU right now. He was shot in the stomach, and he almost didn't make it." The nurse sighed.

"You should be more worried about you hun. The person who beat you, he broke your jaw, nose, he fractured your cheek bone. When the person kicked you, it broke one of your ribs, and it punctured something, so you were internally bleeding. We made sure to fix you up nice and good, but you'll be here for about a week. I promise to keep you updated on Colby though. Do you have anyone to call?" She asked, pulling out a pen.

"Yes, his name is Samuel Golbach. He's one of my best friends." I stated. I gave her his number, and she left the room.

I couldn't think right now. Mom is dead. Dad is dead. Colby is barely alive. Why do I get to be the one in better shape.

"Scarlet?" Sam called through, walking into the room.

"Sam." I sobbed, my face starting to burn again. "Colby's hurt really bad." I cried, not even caring about how bad I looked.

"Hey, it wasn't your fault. You were at the wrong place at the wrong time." He whispered, moving my hair out of my face.

"Sammy, my mom's dead." I cried, closing my eyes super tight.

"Oh god, i-im so sorry." He whispered.

"Can you lay with me, please? I just feel like Colby is in ICU and it's all my fault. I just want to be held."

"Of course, but you have to know something. Colby is still alive, and there isn't anything that is your fault love. You're not the one who pulled the trigger. He's not the one who hurt you. I'm just glad your father can't do this to anyone you love ever again. Where did they send him?" Sam asked, putting an arm around me.

"He killed himself after he shot Colby. I guess he didn't want to spend the rest of his life in prison, so he took the easy way out." I whispered, cuddling into Sam's chest.

"I'm sorry. You should get some rest, you need all of the sleep you can get." Sam stated. I nodded my head, closing my eyes. "I'll wake you up if I hear anything about Colby." Sam assured me. I nodded my head slowly, and drifted off to sleep.


"Is he okay?" I heard Sam whisper from the doorway. "Is he-"

"He's on life support right now. He might not wake up. It would be a miracle if he does. But we need you to keep calm. It's what would be best right now. If he does wake up, there might be bad sideaffects."

"What do you mean?" Sam asked, his voice cracking a little.

"If he wakes up, there is a high chance that he won't remember a lot of things. We found internal bleeding in his brain. He must've hit his head really hard when he fell."

"Okay, thank you." I could hear Sam silently crying to himself.

"Hey." I whispered.

"Hey, you're awake." I nodded my head.

"Look... Colby-" Sam started. His eyes started to water, so I knew that he was about to have a breakdown.

"Its okay Sammy. He'll wake up and remember us. I promise." I smiled, pulling him on the bed with me. "He'll remember us." I sighed, hoping I was right.

"He's my best friend, I can't lose him Scar. I just can't." He sobbed into my robe. I could feel a knot forming in my throat, but I pushed it away.

"I know." I whispered, rubbing his hair in a soothing way. "He'll wake up, and remember all of us, the memories, and he will recover from this." I assured him, kissing him on the head.

"Yeah, we have to stay positive. For Colby." Sam sniffled sitting up. "I have to tell the others. They just know that something happened with you and Colby. I didn't tell them anything else. I just booked it here."

"Well, go home and get a shower and tell them what happened. They need to know. I'll call you if anything else happens. You know where to find me." I smiled, grabbing for my phone.

"Thank you Scarlet. We're all lucky to have you in our lives. Honest." Sam smiled, leaving me alone in the room.

I stared at the blank walls, not wanting to think of what would happen if we did lose Colby. I really wouldn't be able to live without him. Tears started to roll from my eyes, but I didn't stop it this time. I just let it happen.

I started to drift off to sleep, trying to block everything out. I only wanted to be with one person, but I can't. So I'll have to be with him in my dreams.

"I hope you know I'll love you forever Scarlet, right?" Colby questioned, kissing my temple. I nodded my head, leaning more into his chest.

"And I hope you know, that no matter what happens Colby, I'm going to be here for you. If you wake up with memory loss, I'll fix it and help you remember all of us." I smiled, stretching my legs out in front of me on the grass.

"How can I forget you and Sam; the love of my life, and my best friend? It's simply not possible." I shrugged.

"I'm just saying if, babe. How could you forget me?" I joked, laughing at my stupidity.




"Colby?" I whispered.

"Scarlet!" Sam shook me awake. "Colby's awake!"

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