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I grabbed the penny board from Colby's room, and skated around the first floor with Colby. I couldn't help but laugh every time we almost crashed into each other. His laugh lit up the atmosphere around us, making my heart warm and fuzzy. I couldn't help but cherish small moments like this. 

Ever since the incident, Colby has taken me to every therapy session, and he even went in with me to a few. 

"I feel like it should be a pool day."  I stated, stopping him as he was about to pass me. 

"Really? I feel like it should be a beach day." Colby stated, pushing away from me again, circulating around the room. His foot moved a different way, causing the penny board to slip from under his feet. He landed on his ass, making a light thud. 

"Are you okay?!" I rushed to his side, laughing as I was helping him to his feet. He lifted me off of the ground, throwing me over his shoulder. 

"Colby!" I screamed, hitting him softly in the back. "Put me down!" I screamed. Of course, he didn't put me down; instead, he decided to take off running. 

"We are going places, and this is not the proper wear!" He screamed, running up the stairs. I won't lie, I was terrified he would drop me on my head.  

He ran into his room, shutting the door behind him. He slammed us on the bed, breaking into a fit of laughter. 

"Get your bathing suit on, we are going to the beach." Colby panted out of breath. I rolled my eyes, nodding my head. 

I stood up and went to the drawers, picking out the bathing suit for the trip. Colby stood at the entrance of the door, staring at me with a certain look. 

"What?" I asked, turning my back on him to search through my drawers. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, soft lips grazing over my neck. 

"You're just so beautiful, I don't think you understand that." Colby whispered, his breath fanning across my neck, sending chills down my spine. 

"Maybe you help me change into my bathing suit." I whispered, biting my lip.

Colby lifted my shirt over my head, kissing my lips harshly. He wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me than before. He bit my lip, slipping his tongue into mine, exploring the already known territory. He unlaced my bra, pulling it away from my body, leaving me bare in front of him. 

"You're so beautiful." He whispered again, his voice deep and mysterious. I pulled him close to me again, kissing his lips gently. I really didn't want to stop kissing him, but he pulled away to grab my bathing suit.

I placed it over my breasts, and he tied it in the back, making sure that it was comfortable around my chest. I changed my bottoms, surprisingly Colby looked away, but it was very respectful. 

"Are you ready baby?" I asked, pulling up my high waist shorts. He nodded his head, grabbing his phone off the bed. 

"Yeah. Hey, want to do something we haven't done in a while?" He asked, closing the door behind him as we walked into the corridor. 

"And what would that be?" I asked, putting my hair in a high ponytail as we trudged down the stairs. 

"Maybe we should invite your mom, we haven't talked to her in a while." I stopped in my tracks, almost getting ran over by Colby. 

"I haven't talked to my mom, and she probably doesn't even know about the recent thing!" I shouted, covering my mouth. Colby placed a hand on my shoulder in an attempt to calm me down, but it didn't work. 

"She's going to freak out about it, I don't want her upset with me." I stated, my brain moving a million miles an hour.

"Scar, I need you to calm down. She knows. I told her. She just didn't want to pressure you, so she's been keeping herself distant. She feels like she's the reason, her not being there enough, but I told her it isn't the case." Colby stated, rubbing my arm gently, pulling me in for a hug. 

"Why didn't you tell me she knew? I didn't want her to think it was her fault."

"I talked to her about it, and everything is fine. She seen you when you were in a coma. She came in and talked to you in private. She said you would wake up soon." Colby stated, giving a small smile.

"Thank you for telling me. I was about to have a breakdown over that." I whispered, wrapping my arms around his body. His hoodie smelled with a heavy cologne, but I adored it. It was his smell, and I couldn't help but smile in his chest.

We parked the car at a random parking lot, and we grabbed a few bags from the trunk of the car.

"Colby, why is there a Ouija Board in the trunk?" I questioned, closing the trunk.

"You never know when you're going into a haunted building. Always got to be prepared." He smiled, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

We met up with my mom at the ice cream shop on the boardwalk. It was really nice honestly. She seemed happy, and not stressed. The bags that I remember looking at every time I seen her were gone, and she had a bright smile on her face.

"My love, you have a marvelous boy. I'm proud of your choice." Mom smiled, placing a hand over mine. I looked over at Colby, knowing she was right. He's my rock. He's my saving grace. He's my everything.

"I'm proud to call him mine." I smiled.

We walked down to the beach, and it was very peaceful. Not a lot of people were out, and the sound of the waves was everything.

I could see mom walking the small little hill to get a better pictures of the ocean. I positioned myself to where I was more comfortable with Colby, and stared out into the water with him.

 I positioned myself to where I was more comfortable with Colby, and stared out into the water with him

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"I wish we could stay like this forever." I smiled, closing my eyes to listen better to the waves crashing over each other on the shore.

"I agree. It's so peaceful.. beautiful." I nodded my head. He kissed the top of my head, causing a smile to form across my face.

"I love you Colby Brock." I smiled. He leaned down and connected our lips together.

"I love you Scarlet Camp."

Hello my fellow beans. My chapters seem to be getting shorter and shorter. I'm so sorry about that. But I think this is a cute chapter? It's an update.

It's been so stressful these last few weeks with school and drama. But I'm good :))

If you've read to here, comment you're favorite Colby saying. Mine is "fucking cock-sucking gypsy."

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