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Here we are, sitting in my mom's living room, watching old Disney movies, drinking hot chocolate and eating popcorn. Colby was laughing at some points of the movie, making my heart melt. Mom was trying to sneak pictures of us, keeping this moment forever, but the only way that was possible, was just remembering it. 

"I want some pictures of you guys together, I don't want to keep sneaking it. I'm getting of tired of blurry pictures." Mom complained. 

"You've been taking pictures of us this whole time?" Colby laughed, propping himself up.

"You guys are just too cute together, and I want to keep pictures of this cute little moment." Mom smiled, pulling out her phone and a Polaroid camera.

"Two cameras mom, really?" I laughed, but Colby shushed me. 

"Okay you guys do something cute." Colby leaned down, sort of behind me, and he pulled me close to him. I cupped his face with my hands, and gently kissed his lips. I seen a flash go, but I didn't pay it no mind. 

"Next pose!" Mom yelled, breaking us apart, my face turning a bright red. He pulled me close once again, but he propped his head on top of mine, giving my mom the perfect shot. 

"Thank you guys." Mom smiled, plopping on her seat again, getting herself comfortable.

"Can you send that one picture to me?" Colby asked, pulling out his phone, handing it to my mom. She gladly took it, sending him the picture. "Thank you." He smiled, pulling his phone back. 

Colby stared at the picture, a beautiful smile on his face. He stared down at me, kissing my lips gently. 

"Let me see." I smiled, looking over at his phone. The picture (the one at the top of the chapter) was really good actually. We were cuddled together, and it showed everything. The emotion, the beauty, the love, everything.

Colby hid his phone from me, making me feel a little insecure. I don't know why, but it did. I guess trust issues, I tend to lose trust with people who I care about. I can't with Colby. I won't.

He randomly handed me his phone, and looked at me with a smile. "Unlock it." He demanded, crossing his arms over his chest. I questioningly unlocked his phone, very nervous as to what I would find.

Colby edited the picture to where it was black and white, and had it as his background.

"Forever, Scarlet." He whispered, pulling me close to his chest, the warmth radiating to my naturally cold body.


"Well you kiddos, I think it's time to go to sleep." Mom stated, standing up from her comfortable position. "I hate to be the one to say this, but I would like you guys to sleep with the door open if you sleep in her room Colby." Mom stated, grabbing her throw over blanket that she had been using.

"Yes ma'am, your rules, I totally understand." Colby rushed out, obviously embarrassed.

"Okay, goodnight. Love you sweetie." Mom smiled, kissing the top of my head, and giving Colby a quick hug. "I'll see you guys in the morning." She smiled, then disappeared into the dark hallway.

"Well, it's been a fun night, but I totally agree with your mom. I'm so tired, I almost fell asleep during parts of the movie." Colby laughed, stretching as he stood up.

"Okay." I whispered, knowing that he was right. "Maybe we can do some things tomorrow, just you and I." I smiled, kissing his cheek. Colby nodded his head, putting his arm around my neck, walking with me to my room.

Colby stripped into just his boxers, and plopped, face first, into my bed, making me giggle a little. "You cannot be that tired Brock." I laughed, getting dressed into my night clothes. He nodded his head, and groaned, but didn't say a word.

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