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WARNING: This chapter will contain smut, and if you are possibly disturbed by graphic detail, I suggest you skip. I will let you know when it is coming up. Enjoy.

We walked down the street together, hand in hand. Mom had told us she had some errands to run, and I guess she thought that meant we were going to stay home, but nah. Colby wanted to just roam around everywhere, and maybe meet up with some old friends.

"Do you have anyone you want to hang out with?" Colby asked me, taking a piece of cotton candy that we got at the pier.

"Actually, yeah I do." One of my old friends came to mind, it had been a minute since I brought her up around anyone. I hardly remembered her, but she seemed like the best person to talk to other than Clarissa.

"You have her contact information?" Colby asked, pulling out his phone. I shrugged my shoulders.

"If she's still alive, I haven't talked to her in a long time." I stated, hoping that she was actually doing okay. I scrolled through my contacts, clicking on her name. I shot her a message, hoping that it would be her.

My phone started ringing, seeing that Griffin wanted to face time. I clicked the accept button, and watched as her face popped up across the screen. Her use to be dirty blonde hair was now pink, and she looked amazing.

"Hey!" She called through. "It's been such a long time!" She exclaimed.

"I know, I'm sorry I haven't stayed in contact." I sighed. "Do you want to hang out with me and my boyfriend Colby? He asked me if I wanted to bring someone to hang out with, do you want to tag along? Maybe we can catch up on a few things." I smiled.

"Totally! I've missed you!" She responded. "Where do you want to meet up?" She asked. I looked over at Colby, but he was minding his own business.

"We can meet at the pier if you want." I stated, looking back at the pier.

"That sounds great! I'm like five minutes away from there anyway. I'll see you soon!" She smiled, hanging up the phone.

"I guess we're going back to the pier?" Colby questioned, pulling his phone out again.

"Yeah, I'm glad you're letting me do this Colby, she is really sweet." I smiled, giving him a hug.

"You're allowed to have friends Scarlet, you can do whatever you want, just don't cheat on me." He laughed.

"I would never cheat on you Colby." I admitted, lacing our fingers together.

"Good, because the feeling is mutual."

We walked up to the pier, sitting down on one of the benches near the back. I closed my eyes, the smell of the salt water, the sound of the waves crashing on the shore, just this scenery made my heart happy. I opened my eyes to find Colby staring at me.

"What?" I questioned, starting to feel insecure.

"You're just so beautiful." He whispered, placing his hands on my thigh. I leaned into his chest, I could feel his heartbeat.

"Scarlet?" I heard a voice call out. I quickly stood up, smiling at the beautiful face before me.

"Griffin!" I screamed, tackling her into a hug. "It's been so long." I said into her pink her.

"You have no idea!" She squeezed me tighter, making my back pop a little bit. "Who is this hunk staring?" She stated, making Colby blush.

"Griffin, this is Colby Brock, my boyfriend. Colby this is my best friend, Griffin Potter, from a long time ago." I introduced. Colby held out his hand, but Griffin had never been a hand shake type of person. She went in for a hug, kind of making me jealous, but I know Colby wasn't thinking much of it, hopefully.

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