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Wake up.

Tears were streaming down my face at this moment, the horror of Colby in a car accident, leaving the world. Leaving me.

Wake Up.

"Hey, it's Colby. Can't make it to the ph-" His voice called through the phone.

Wake Up!

I slammed my fists against the mirror, shattering the glass, blood pouring from my knuckles. This can't be real.


"Scarlet!" Colby shook me awake, waking me from my terrible nightmare. He pulled me close to his bare chest, running his fingers through my hair, shushing me. "It was just a nightmare, I'm here. I'm here." He whispered, kissing the top of my head.

"It felt so real." I shook out, tears running down my face.

"I'm not going anywhere." Colby assured me, laying me down on top of him. "Tell me about the dream." Colby whispered, the vibrations of his voice running though my body.

"You got into a car crash, it was very bad. We tried to get to the hospital in time, but it was too late. You left me." I sobbed, tears dropping on his chest. He rubbed my back, calming me down.

"You feel my heartbeat? You feel the warmth of my body? You feel the touch of my arms around you? I'm not ever leaving you." He kissed the top of my head, my nerves finally calming down. "Try and get more sleep. I love you." He smiled, wrapping his arms tightly around me, making me feel more safe and secure.

I rested my head, finally falling into a peaceful slumber.


"What do you guys want to do today?" Colby asked mom and I, biting into a blueberry muffin. I shrugged my shoulders, and mom just stared at him.

"What do you mean?" Mom questioned, plopping into one of the bar stools that we've had forever, but just recently started using.

"Do you guys want to go the mall, movies, our to dinner, beach... anything?" Colby questioned, standing behind me now, wrapping his body around mine as I ate my food.

"I guess we can do something, but nothing too expensive." Mom argued, holding up her finger.

"No problems." Colby smiled, bolting towards my room.

"What is he up to?" Mom questioned me. I shrugged my shoulders, never knowing what Colby was thinking.

I walked into my room, the quiet movement coming from my bathroom. "Colby?" I called out.

"Wait! Don't come in yet!" He panicked, the shuffling noises getting louder.

Colby walked out into the open, tight skinny jeans with rips at the knees, a red flannel, vans, and a skateboard in his hand.

"Maybe we can skate today?" He asked, biting his lip.

"My mom doesn't know how to skate." I laughed, but was taking in his appearance because god damn he looked amazing.

"I have a bike at my house I can get for her. Im pretty sure she wouldn't mind riding around for a bit with us. I want to get to know you and her better." Colby walked past me, grabbing his phone.

"Hey, Sam, can you do me a favor? Can you grab my bike out of the garage, and give a little kiss to Elton for me? Thanks dude. Alright man, I'll see you later." I stared at him, judging him with everything I had.

"Kiss Elton?" I repeated.

"We have something special." He held his heart, and looked at the roof. "My uncle is the love of my life dude."

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