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"She's gone?" Colby choked out, tears fogging his vision. "Are you sure? Did they wait and see? You can't be serious? Please tell me you're joking." Colby sobbed, dropping to the hospital floor.

"We tried everything, I'm sorry. We couldn't save her. She cut too deep, and she bled out before we could help." Sam cradled Colby as he screamed. Tears streamed down his face as Sam tried to comfort him.

"It's going to be okay." Sam whispered, tears quietly falling to the floor. Griffin was standing beside Clarissa, sobbing to herself.

"We need someone who's going to pay for the morgue to come and get the body, and then they will walk you through the rest." The doctor stated. Colby slowly stood up, Sam tagging along with him as we followed the doctor.

They got to the entrance of the door that my dead body was in, and they stood there.

"I don't think I can see her like this. I don't think I can picture my baby gone." Colby whispered. Sam touched his shoulder, and walked past him. Sam walked beside the bed, and grabbed my hand.

"I'm so sorry you did this to yourself. I'm sorry that we put you through so much. I'm sorry that I didn't get to you in time. I could've saved you." Sam whispered, stroking my cold hands in his warm ones. Sam's tears hit the blanket that I was wrapped in, creating tiny little wet spots splash on the edge.

Colby finally walked into the room, his face red and tear stained. He was quietly sobbing to himself, his eyes starting to water again as soon as he seen the cold body before him.

"Even though she isn't with us, she is still so beautiful." Colby croaked out, Sam nodded his head, his nose sniffling.

Sam walked out of the room, leaving Colby behind with his lifeless love.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here for you when I should've. I'm sorry I overreacted and left. I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you when you felt at your worst. It's my fault that you're gone. If I would've just talked to you and didn't freak out like I did, I wouldn't be talking with you like this. I'm so sorry that I made you do this. I wish I could take everything back. I wish we could start over that day. I'm so sorry. I love you so much Scarlet." Colby sobbed, clinging onto the bedsheets, his tears hit my arm.


Colby and Sam rode in the car silently together, no words spoken between them. They pulled into the driveway, Sam slamming his door shut. Colby slowly walked beside Sam to the front door.

"You know it's your fault. You couldn't take a fucking prank, and now look what you did. You're the reason that you lost the love of your life and one of my closest friends. I'm hope you can live with yourself knowing you're the reason you're girlfriend committed suicide." Sam deadpanned, walking inside. Colby stood outside, tears streaming down his already tear stained face.

Colby walked into the house, walking straight to s room. He closed his door behind him, not looking back at Sam's door. Colby knew what he was about to do, and he knew that it was for the best. He grabbed a piece of paper, and he grabbed a pen. He wrote on the page, until there was no space left. He folded it in half, and walked out of the room. He left his phone, his wallet, everything that he usually took with him, and he left. 

Colby went to the most sharp curve, the one that had a lake on either side, and drove off. He left the note for Sam to read, not that he would know until they noticed there was a bad "accident". 

Sam held the paper in his hands, reading every word slowly. He made sure that he kept it, knowing that he was the reason his best friend killed himself. 

Sam, I'm sorry that I make bad choices. I know that I'm suppose to live with them, but I can't. Not with the decisions that I've been making. You know I love you, and I know deep down you meant the words you said, but I'll make it to where I won't be a burden on anyone now. I'm left my phone so you won't worry. You'll probably think I went to Brennen's if I didn't pick up anyway. It's okay. I'm with Scarlet now, so I'm happy I hope. I give the best for you Sam, and I hope you live a happy life. You'll always be my best friend. 

Sam broke off with Katrina, his depression went insane. He moved out of the house, and moved back in with his parents in Kansas. He began to do drugs, to take his mind off of Colby, but it never helped. His parents sent him to the hospital, and tried to make him go to rehab, but it didn't work. No matter what, he went back to drugs. He tried to commit a couple times before he had to stay in a hospital for good. 

So this is a lot shorter than most of my chapters, but this is what I would envision everyone's life after Scarlet offed herself. I hope that you enjoyed, and as soon as I'm done posting this chapter, the next chapter will be worked on. So, yee. PEACE!!!

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